Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Please don't be mad Justin."

That morning I woke up all tangled up in my cool sheets, and I remembered it was Saturday. I was going to visit Justin again today. I smiled at the thought.

I got up and put on some shorts and a plain pink v-neck tee shirt, with a black tank-top underneath, which had a laced neckline. I went into the bathroom and began to apply some lilac eyeshadow, giving it a smokey look. I loved how the color looked on me, and it really made my chocolate brown eyes pop.

I finished the look with some mascara and some pink lipgloss. I honestly wanted to look good for Justin. It's the least I could do to make him feel better.

He probably hadn't seen a pretty girl in that hospital. I chuckled at the thought.

Anyways, I began to put some loose curls into my light brown hair, which was parted down the middle and layered, and it fell down just past my boobs. And the first/bottom layer of my hair, which was closest to my neck, was dyed a deep, dark red, which looked like a dark brown but when it was in the light it was the most beautiful shade of red I had ever seen. I usually keep that part of my hair straight.

For one of the very few times, I thought I actually looked really pretty today. And I felt really good about myself. My hot pink shirt gave my skin that beautiful tanned look that I was eager to get this summer. I just felt really beautiful. I stared into the mirror, giving myself a small smile.

Suddenly Ashley came barging into the room and started brushing her teeth. I jumped as soon as she walked in.

"Geez! Don't you knock?"

Completely ignoring my question, she asked one of her own. "Where you going? You got a hot date?"

"Nooooo," I laughed. "I'm going to visit Justin in the hospital."

"What happened to him anyways?" Ashley asked, fixing her beautiful long hair in the mirror. Why can't I be as pretty as her?

"Oh he uh..." I suddenly remembered that Justin had planned to tell everyone that he fell down the stairs. So that's what I did.

"He fell down the stairs. He's so clumsy." I smiled a little and shook my head, trying my hardest to make Ash believe me.

"Oh wow, is he alright?"

Thank god.

"Yeah, he's a little banged up but he'll be alright."

I wish.

After mine and Ashley's conversation, I had breakfast and drove myself to the hospital. Looking in the mirror, I fixed a piece of hair and went inside.

Justin's face immediately lit up when I walked into the room. "Heeeey!" He gave me his famous dashing smile and I felt all warm inside.

"Hi!" I giggled, walking over and giving his head a kiss as I sat down. He looked a little better but he was still pretty bruised up.

"I get to leave today." He said with another smile. He looked more excited than a little kid in a candy store. It was adorable.

"Yeah I know," I giggled. "You're still coming to my house right?"

"If it's alright with you and your dad." He said, watching my face as if he were worried I'd say no.

"Of course it is." I smiled, reassuring him that he was welcome anytime.

His face brightened again and for the first time in a while he looked genuinely happy.

I drove to my house with Justin seated in the passengers seat next to me. He kept talking about how it was his dream to be famous and that one day the world would be lit up with his name. He had the most beautiful smile on his face and you could tell it was something he was genuinely passionate about. It was adorable. The whole ride I listened to him, and the smile never left my face.

I pulled up to the house and I helped Justin hobble his way inside as he held his arm around me for support. We had dinner and after that I helped him up to my room.

Justin plopped onto my bed, laying down and getting himself situated.

"Please, make yourself comfortable." I laughed at him. "Thanks." He smiled.

"Are you in any pain?" I asked, looking around for his medicine. He shook his head gently. "No actually, I'm alright."

"Okay." I smiled at him. He smiled back.

Man I was gonna miss that smile once he found out I told the cops. The feeling made me sick to my stomach. It felt like my heart was in my throat and my stomach was gonna fall out of my butt. He was gonna hate me forever.

I must have let my emotions show on the outside, because Justin had asked me why I was frowning.

"What?" I asked.

"You look like you're gonna cry," he raised his eyebrows a little, or should I say eyebrow. One of them wouldn't move up. It was kinda funny.

"I'm fine." I smiled as I took a seat on the edge of my bed, watching him as he played with the fabric of my shirt. Suddenly I had the urge to ask him something serious.


"Hmmm?" he hummed.

" come you never told me your dad abused you? I mean, we've been best friends for forever and I never even knew." I frowned.

He smiled a little and turned his head to the side. "Some things are just better left unsaid." he said softly.

What a terrible way to think about a situation like this.

"No," I said, placing my hand over his. "No, not for something this serious. Justin your dad could have killed you. You can't just keep stuff like this to yourself. You're risking your safety."

He sighed and looked at me. "I know but...I didn't want anyone to treat me differently...I didn't want YOU to treat me differently," He looked down and continued. "If anyone had ever found out, then I wouldn't be normal. People would give me this, special treatment, they'd feel sorry for me."

"Is there something wrong with that?" I was a little confused. Wouldn't it feel good to know that someone actually cares enough to worry about you?

He didn't say anything; he just watched me, as if waiting for me to continue. So I did.

"I mean...don't you want to know that people care enough to actually worry? Knowing they actually care enough to wanna help you? That they wanna see you safe?"

He looked as if he were thinking. I could tell he was letting what I had just said sink in. Then he shrugged.

"I dunno I mean I...I don't think I deserve that." He said kinda lowly, but relaxed.

That broke my heart.

I shook my head quickly. "No, Justin. Don't say that, don't say that just because your dad makes you feel that way. Your dad doesn't matter; don't let his inability to see your worth define how much you actually mean because you mean SO much to so many people. Especially me."

He looked at me with curious eyes, as if he wanted me to tell him more. "You?"

"What do you mean me? Of course me! You're my best friend Justin and I love you more than anything. And I hate seeing you like, like this." I gestured to his entire body.

A smile formed over half of his lips as he watched me. I felt like I had just admitted to him that I'm madly in love with him, but luckily that wasn't the case. We always told each other I love you. But I've never admitted my true feelings. And I especially can't do it now. He has enough on his plate as it is.

"I love you too." He said softly with a smile. Then he yawned.

"You sleepy?" I asked. He nodded a little. "Yeaaaaah."

"Lay down." It told him as I got up. He did as I told him and I covered him with a blanket as his eyes closed.

Glancing at his beautiful and innocent face, I leaned down and kissed his cheek.

"Sweet dreams, Justin." I whispered.


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