Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I sat in class, adjusting myself in the the uncomfortable desk. Mrs. D was going on and on about how we could use the Pythagorean Theorem to find out the radius of a circle. Or some shit like that. I don't even know. I stopped paying attention a while ago.

My thoughts were interrupted when Justin walked through the door. He looked like he had been roughed up a bit. His hair was a little messy, his lip looked fat and I think there was a light bruise on his cheek. But nobody thought anything of it.

He walked over to the front desk and dropped a paper pass onto Mrs. D's desk.

"Sorry I'm late," Justin said quietly. "I got stuck at home."

"It's okay, take your seat." Mrs. D said. Justin limped his way down the aisle and took a seat behind me.

I twisted around in my seat to look at him. "Are you alright?" I whispered to him. He looked up into my eyes with his dull ones, gave me a small smile and nodded slightly. "I'm fine." He whispered.

"Sophie, please turn around and pay attention." Mrs. D's voice rang through my ears. I gave Justin a small smile and turned around in my seat.

After class, I found my way over to Justin in the hallway. "Hey, do you wanna come over after school today?" I asked him. He's really one of my closest friends, and he looked pretty beat up. I felt bad for him.

He looked down at me and smiled. "Yeah, yeah I'd like that." He said as we walked down the hall. "Cool," I smiled. "I'll seeya later okay?" I gave him a light kiss on his cheek and made my way to my next class.

After school, Justin and I walked to my house. He was still limping a little bit, and I wanted to ask him what happened to him. But I figured it was none of my business or that he just fell down the stairs or something.

We walked into the side door that led into the kitchen, and we were greeted by my dad. "Hey dad," I gave him a hug. "Justin and I are gonna do homework and hang out for a little okay?" My dad smiled. "Alright, dinner will be ready in a coupe hours, Justin you're more than welcome to stay if you'd like." I saw Justin smile from the corner of my eye. "Thank you sir." He said.

We walked upstairs to my room and situated ourselves onto the floor, sitting side by side against the end of my bed.

"Can you help me out with the math homework? Since I came in late, I have no idea what I'm doing." He giggled a little. "Of course," I smiled with a giggle. "Don't worry, you'll get caught up in no time."

He took out his paper and we worked on the math homework together, our arms pressed up against each other.

Just then, my door opened and in trotted Jessie. She came over to us, her piggy tails flopping from front to back.

"What's up kiddo?" I looked up at her.

"Dad says you're in trouble!" She rocked back and forth on her heels. I sighed. "What'd I do this time?" "He said you forgot to take out the garbage. He'll deal with you later." And with that, she toddled back out.

"Looks like you're really in for it, huh?" Justin said. "Dad's gonna kill me. That's twice this week." I mumbled and continued to do my homework.

Since my mother died, it's just been me, my dad and my sisters. My dad was strict when it came to house chores.

"Well you know what helps? Try thinking of a good song. That what I always do when I'm getting it."

I looked over at him in confusion. "G-getting what?"

"Well, you know, when your dad is pounding you." He stared at me. His face looked so innocent. What does he mean? Does his father abuse him?

"You mean hitting?" I said.

He nodded.

"My dad never hits me...does yours hit you?" I twisted around, facing him completely.

His eyes widened a little bit. "No, just forget it, lets finish the homework." He ducked his head down, staring at his paper.

"But you said you always think of a good you get hit a lot?" I asked him.

"Look, I didn't mean anything by it, lets just finish this okay?" He said, sounding like he was starting to get annoyed. "Justin you can trust me, you're my best friend."

He sighed and shook his head.

" dad does hit me sometimes, but it's my own fault for setting him off...he really gave it to me last week." He kept his head down.

"You mean, when you came into class with a black eye, and you said that you got hit by a door?"

"Yeah, a door called Dad." He sighed and looked up at me. His eyes suddenly widened. "Oh my god, what time is it?"

I looked at my phone. "Almost 4." I said.

"Aw man I forgot to call my dad and tell him I'm gonna be late, I gotta go!" He quickly scrambled to his feet and shoved his stuff into his bag, throwing it onto his back.

"But Justin!" I got up after him.

"Soph, you gotta swear to me. You can't tell anyone as long as you live. Ever, you got it? Okay?"

"O-okay, I swear." I stared into his eyes. He stared back into mine with a slight look of relief on his face. He licked his lips quickly. "I gotta go." He said softly. He moved away and ran out the door. With that he was gone.

The next day, I walked into my English class, staring at the door. I desperately waited for Justin to walk through the door, but the bell rang and he still hadn't come. He wasn't in math today either.

"Sophie, I'm afraid we're going to have to find a new partner for you for the project we're working on." My teacher appeared in front of me.

"What? I thought I was working with Justin?"

"Yes, but he's going to be out for the whole week. He's had an accident."

My heart completely stopped.

An accident?


Yes I know this chapter sounds like an episode of Full House. That's where I got the inspiration to write this story so I figured I'd incorporate it in. So don't hound on me for it please. Enjoy the rest of the story. :)

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