Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It had been two days since Justin had gotten into his "accident." Whatever that meant. But it had to have been something serious. I was told that he ended up in the hospital, so I had planned to visit him after school and see how he was and what had happened.

I was thinking about him all day. What happened to him? What if his dad had hurt him again and that's why he's in the hospital? What would happen to Justin if anyone found out? What if the police or child services take him away and bring him to a foster home? What if I never see him again?

I can't tell anyone. He made me promise.

That's when it all started.

"Justin no!


"Just calm down!"


"No! Please don't do this!"

"I love you Justin!'


After school I went straight to the hospital, and since I don't have my own car, I walked. I could use the exercise anyways. And the walk was nice; being by myself in peace and all. It gave me a chance to clear my head and just breathe for a little bit.

I stepped through the glass doors and made my way over to the rceptionist desk, my shoes clicking on the pure white tiles with the small colored specs.

"Justin Bieber?" I asked the woman, who was typing on the computer but looked up as soon as I spoke. She glanced at the computer screen once more and said, "Room 3194." "Thank you." I gave her a smile and got into the large elevator.

I started thinking about all the people who had been in this elevator. Just for something to do. I imagined their faces and why they might be in the hospital. One of them may have been a woman going into labor. Or another may have had to go into surgery. And another may have been about to die.

And another may have been Justin.

Thinking about it sent chills down my spine, so I stopped and waited for the elevator to open. When it did, I stepped out onto the white tiled floor and made my way down the empty hallway. It was kinda creepy, and pretty much everything was white. I counted the rooms as I walked past.

3188. 3190. 3192....

There it is. Room 3194. Justin was in there. With my stomach aching, I slowly opened the door and walked in.

My heart plummeted to my stomach and my blood ran cold. Justin was laying there in his white bed; his forehead was wrapped up with a white bandage that was stained with a little blood, his lip was a bit fat, he had a black eye and a dark bruise under the other one. He wasn't wearing a shirt; this revealed scraches/cuts on his chest and pecs, as well as a few bruies along his chiseled abs. He had fresh cuts and scratches along his arms and his shoulders were bruised as well. His hair was all messy and his knuckles were dark red.

Taking me away from examining his beaten up body, Justin turned his head a little and gave me a wek smile. "Hey, you came."

I couldn't even believe he just said that. "Of course I came." I walked over and sat myself down in the chair. "What happened to you?" I frowned, not being able to bare the sight of how hurt and vulnerable he was.

He lowered his head, not saying a word.

I watched him intently. "Justin, look at me. Did your father do this to you?"

His dull eyes slowly found mine again. "Yes." He said quietly.

As I felt my heart break inside of me, I carefully took his hand, trying not to hurt it. "Justin, this has gone too far. You need to turn your father in so that you can be safe. I hate seeing you like this. Everyday I worry about you in that house with him. Please. Tell the police. You could come live with me." I faked a smile, giving everything I could to convince him to free himself from all this pain that his father was putting him through.

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