Chapter 7

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Justin's POV

She would pay for what she had done.

A Few Days Later

Sophie's POV

I helped Justin into my house. He seemed to be doing better. His bruises and cuts were healing up but he was still weak. I had to help him walk.

I led him in through the door and helped him up to my room. He fell onto my bed and dropped his crutches. His leg wasn't broken but he needed the crutches so that his broken ribs would be okay when he got around. He always swings forward on them, so he doesn't really walk. It's kind of cute to watch.

"I'll go get your bags out of the car okay? Don't go anywhere." I gave him a smile.

"I can't, not without your help." He giggled. He was so cute.

I left the room and my dad helped me get Justin's stuff out of the car.

Justin's father was sentenced to several years in prison for abusing Justin for so many years. I was glad that he was put away and that Justin was finally safe. I was also glad that I could be the one to take care of him.

I brought Justin's stuff to our guest room and then went back to my room to see Justin laying on my bed.

"All your stuff is in the guest room." I smiled walking over, seating myself on the bed.

"Aw, I can't stay in here with you?" he pouted his bottom lip out and I felt my cheeks grow hot.

Was he flirting? Was he being serious? No, he had to have been joking. I laughed it off.

"Yeah right, you're staying in the guest room." I ruffled his hair gently.

"Well you could always come visit." He smirked at me. My cheeks grew redder.

What was up with him? For the past few days he's been acting kinda strange. Is he, interested in me? No, he couldn't be. I just brushed it off and kissed his cheek.

"You should get some rest." I told him, fixing a blanket over his body.

"But I'm not tired. And how could I close my eyes when I've got a beautiful girl like you right in front of me? A sight like this isn't worth missing." he smiled that million dollar smile.

Oh my god what is he doing? My cheeks grew hotter and my heart started pounding. I looked down and let my hair curtain around my face. Justin's fingers tucked my hair behind my ear and lifted my chin up so that I was looking at him. He slipped his hand around the back of my neck.

"You're so beautiful." he breathed out. Before I knew it he pulled me in and pressed his lips to mine.


I felt somebody shaking me and I quickly picked my head up. "Soph, are you okay?" he said.

I looked around. Justin and I were in the hospital room. Damn, it was just a dream.

I looked at Justin. "H-huh?" "You were breathing all weird. You okay?" "Oh, y-yeah, I'm fine." I smiled and sat back in my chair. "How you feelin?" I asked.

He nodded. "I'm okay," he looked around my face. "Are you sure you're okay? You look a little red."

Him saying that only made me redder.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled big.

Justin's POV

This was all part of my plan. And it was gonna be good. First I would lure her in. I'd flirt, I'd ask her to be mine. I'd make her think I loved her and then, then my time would come.

No, what was I thinking? What am I doing? I really do love her and I really do want her. I can't hurt her.

But she broke her promise. She called the cops and made me look like a complete weakling. I needed that moment to finally stand up to my dad and she ruined it. Dammit. She has to pay.

But I love her...

Sophie had been talking to me but I didn't hear anything she said, I was too caught up in my own thoughts. "What?" I said.

"I said, do you want me to get you anything?" she said sweetly.

"Oh, uh, would you mind getting me a bottle of water? Please?" I gave her a smile that was sure to make her swoon.

Oh no.

Her cheeks reddened and she nodded, getting up wand walking out of the room.

I have to do this.

A Few Days Later

Sophie's POV

The doctor had told us that Justin was still a little beat up but that he was better than before, and was well enough to go home. So I took him to my house, just like he wanted.

My family and I helped Justin get settled in, and by night time he wanted to take a shower, but I told him he should probably wait until he's not so beat up, or at least better.

"Pleaaaaaase? I feel all gross and I stink of hospital and B.O." he giggled.

I laughed and playfully sniffed him. "You don't smell...but you do reek of hospital. Why don't you put some new clothes on and I'll help you wash your hair?" He seemed to like that idea because he smiled.

I helped him get up and he carefully started to change, right in front of me. I tried my best not to stare but I'm sure I did because I think he caught me.

"Enjoying the view?" he laughed as my face got red. "S-sorry." I stuttered.

He got into some fresh sweatpants and a wife beater and we went into the bathroom. I brought a chair with me and put it in front of the sink so Justin wouldn't have to bend over the tub. The sink was pretty big so it would work out. "Have a seat." I smiled.

He sat down in the chair and I put a towel around the back of his neck. I helped him lay his head back and turned the water on so that it was warm. I filled a cup with water and gently spilled it over his hair. I watched him close his eyes and bite his lip.

I leaned forward a little and started to scrub his hair with shampoo. Then I rinsed his hair, scrubbed in some conditioner, waited a little bit, then rinsed his hair again.

Justin's POV

Oh my god her boobs are on me holy shit. I hope she doesn't notice my boner because holy shit her boobs oh my god. They're touching me. I bit my lip more and kept my eyes shut.

Sophie's POV

I finished up Justin's hair and helped him sit up. I noticed a small bulge in his pants. Oh my god was he getting a boner? I laughed to myself.

"What's so funny?" he asked, looking up at me.

I shook my head giggling. "Nothing." I said, putting the towel over his head.

He giggled under the towel.


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