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Oh gosh!

I hope this goes well.

"Relax man," Caleb was rubbing my shoulders awaiting Ven's arrival. His brothers assured me he would follow me, I just hope they're right or else this surprise would go to shit.

"The food..." I trailed of when Caleb's fingers dug into my flesh and a scowl on his face.

"Everything is fine ya monkey," he glares at me and I take a deep breath.

"The food, the decorations, the cake, the drinks and music are all fine. More than fine," Caleb's eyes softened a bit when he sees how worried I really am.

"Hey, don't freak out on us now," Caleb gives me a quick hug and then the doors were opened revealing my mate.

"What the..." Ven trailed off when his eyes locked on me and everyone yelled 'SURPRISE!'

"What's going on?" Venom asks coming to my side and pushing Caleb away. The boy just rolled his eyes and sauntered to his man Alexios.

"I know we didn't get the mating ceremony that you wanted so I thought we could have like a reception thing," I say quickly blushing from head to toe when Venom looks at me like I was the best thing in the universe.

"Oh..." Venom trailed off again and then his lips are on mine and I could do naught else but cling to him as he kissed me desperately.

"Hey! Break that up and let's party!" Caleb yelled and Venom let out a playful growl when Caleb links his arm through mine and drags me away from Venom.

"Good God, ya'll burn the place down if that kiss had gotten any hotter," Caleb snickers and oh gosh I'm blushing so hard.

"God you're adorable," Caleb says in a baby voice while pinching my cheek.

I slapped his hand away blushing harder when Lucifer comes to our sides, "Caleb leave my son-in-law alone," he mumbles throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"Hey! I'm your son-in-law too!" Caleb crosses his arms.

"Yes, But Mareck's my favorite one right now," Lucifer jokes and Caleb glares playfully at the devil.

"I'll still be the first," Caleb sticks his tongue out and Lucifer laughs.

"First is the worst," He says and Caleb frowns hard.

"Dude, that's like so 2000. God, you're old!" Caleb exclaims and bursts into giggles while backing away from us.

"I worry about my son sometimes," Lucifer mumbles and I frowned.


"Can you imagine eternity with that asshole?" Lucifer shrugs a shoulder and I giggle.

We ate and drank and when the evening was winding down and the selected guests started leaving Venom asked me to dance.

I shivered as Venom held me close, his breath hitting the side of my neck as he pressed our cheeks together and we started swaying, me fumbling a bit.

"I don't know how to dance Ven," I mumbled.

"Shh... Just let me take care of you," Venom pressed such a sweet kiss to my lips that my eyes started tearing up.

"Thank you for tonight baby," Venom says running his palm up and down my back.

"You're welcome," I murmured back looking into his eyes and sucking in a breath at the way he was looking at me.

I've never seen a person look at someone else the way Venom was looking at me in this moment.

He looked at me with the softest expression. Love, lust, trust all wrapped in one. Leaning into his chest I take in his manly scent and closed my eyes feeling the safest I've ever felt in my life.

"I love you Mareck," Venom murmurs pressing his lips to my fore head.

"And I love you Venom," I replied closing my eyes and savoring the little purrs rumbling Venom's chest, purring back at him.

When everyone left Venom teleported us back home and made such sweet love to me that I'll never doubt where I belong ever again and that's right here in his arms.

El Fin.

El Fin

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Thanks so much for all the support guys. I really do appreciate all the votes and comments. This is the end for Mareck and Venom. Hope you enjoyed.

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