Chapter Seven (short)

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"Dad!!" I yelled as I ran to him. I hugged him tightly. His eyes lit up. He looked down at me.

"I missed you so much, Gabriola." he said. He began to cry.

"I missed you, too." I cried.

"It's...never been like this before..."


"I love you too much for words, my sweet little Gabriola. I hope you were well with my sons."


"I am here only by a miracle. I only have a little while until I'll disappear from existence."

"I'll cherish how ever long I have with you. I love you."

"You as well, Gabriola."

After a few more conversations about the past, I knew I had to tell him about Chara, the human from long ago.

"Dad?" I asked.

"Yes?" he asked back. "What is it?"

"There's something I need to talk to you about."


"A few years ago, something happened that was life-changing for me."


"I fought a human child. And they did quite a number on me." I lifted up my bangs and showed him the rip in my skull I had. Then, I took off my scarf and showed him the scar there.

"What the hell did that human do to you..!?"

"I don't know. But I do know that they wanted me dead. So, I shot them up with a little bit of Gaster Blaster magic and bones with bullets. They died...rather quickly."


"Before she could even reset, I made her last breathing moments HELL for her. Once she died, I reset."

"The reset trick Papyrus taught you worked out pretty well, I guess."

"That was the first time I met Sans. He told me to prove how strong I was in killing a human. And I did. A nice, old-fashioned reset happened straight afterward!"

"I am so proud of you. The first time I was ever sent to kill a human by the Royal Scientists, I only came back with 1HP. Restoring HP can take as much as ten resets."

"Later, about fifty years later, I was sent to kill another human. This human tried to kill everyone."

"I am glad you can take on these humans yourself." I sighed. "I feel like all of this is the work of just one child. Her name was..."

"Chara, the first human to ever make friends with us monsters. She died right in front of our eyes."

"Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, and I worked together to beat Chara, but she brought herself back to reality. When I first killed her, I was gonna reset, but neither Sans nor Papyrus knew how. They'd think it was something insane if I even tried to reset."

"Gabriola, this is very sudden, but I need you to come to my lab with me. I need you to help me with my projects."

"Dad, as much as I'd love to, I have to decline. I have a family that needs me and my help in everything. Chara is out there, and I will be the one to stop them. I want to help you, but I can't leave my family here to defend themselves. I love you!"

"You as well. I understand if you do not wish to come with me. The work I do is rather dangerous and I wouldn't want you to get in harm's way."

We walked to the end of the cave where Undyne, Sans, and Papyrus stood.

"Hey!" I said. "Look who I found."

"Dad!!" yelled Papyrus and Sans. They ran up and hugged him.

"I missed you boys," he said.

"You too!" they exclaimed.

"My sons. I have a few unfinished experiments that I must attend to. As always, you can find my lab behind your house. I will always be there."

"I'm sorry, Dad," I said. "This is goodbye." I hugged him tightly. I watched him teleport away.


"So," said Chara, "Wing Din Gaster actually found his missing daughter, huh!?"

The child knew it was time to make her move. She moved her piece on the chessboard and with a grin, knocked over all of the pons.

"It's my turn to be the puppet master! From here on out, I'm the move-maker. I'll be the one to decide whether or not they get to live or die. Dr. Gaster, I look forward to seeing you crumble at my feet."

She giggled as she knew it was showtime. The time to kill was now. As she tried to teleport to the Ruins, she couldn't get herself free.

"Maybe," she said, "I'll just have to go through the timeline. Who cares if a few things are ruined?" She leaped through the timeline, tearing a gap through one of the memories. Looking through, Chara realized it was someone familiar whose memory would be torn.

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