Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Ludwig slammed the door to his apartment shut before squeezing his eyes closed.

He stomped over to the kitchen and yanked open a cupboard, pulling out a bottle of whiskey. The German twisted off the lid and threw it onto the counter, taking a long drink.

Coughing, he grimaced as the liquor burned in his throat. "Shit."

He gave a quick shake of his head and put the bottle to his lips, tipping it back to take another swig.

This is exactly what happened with my parents.

Ludwig remembered being under the impression of his parents happily married when all the while they were divorced for years and seeing other people.

The day they told him they had been divorced for eight years had hit him like an unexpected storm and he became reckless, sleeping around with girls and getting into trouble at school. He'd get drunk off of his father's alcohol and he even punched his brother Gilbert in the face and broke his nose.

And then he met Feliciano.

It felt like an angel was standing in front of him. And this innocent teenager saved him from a life of an alcoholic and probably eventually drugs.

And now, Ludwig was falling again. Secrets hurt him. Knowing that Feliciano had kept this one of all secrets, hurt him the most.

He sighed and continued to drink the thick liquor. He heard a knock at the door, put the bottle down and went to answer it.

Feliciano stood there, panting. He stood up straighter and stared straight into the German's eyes.


"No." The German raised a hand to silence him. "You don't keep those secrets from me. Never. I was hurt by two people who I loved by secrets kept from me and I'm not letting that happen again."

"I didn't want you to lash out. And look what happened." Feliciano whispered.

"Yeah, but I trusted you! I trusted you to tell me whatever is bothering you! I trusted you to tell me the truth!" Ludwig swallowed hard, tears brewing in his eyes. "God damn it, Feliciano, I trusted you to love me!"

The Italian could feel his own tears streaming down his face. He was about to open his mouth and shout, 'I do love you!' but Ludwig beat him to it.

"I'm not getting hurt by you, the person I love most." The German swatted angrily at a tear that fell onto his cheek. He hadn't cried in a long time.

"What are you saying?" Feliciano's voice cracked, his heart racing.

Ludwig closed his eyes and then opened them again only to stare at the wall behind the Italian. "I'm breaking up with you, Feliciano."

Feliciano clenched his hands into fists as he felt his heart shatter to pieces.

And then the door closed.


Feliciano and Ludwig didn't speak for weeks, two months to be exact. They wouldn't even glance at each other, it was too painful.

The spring finally came and Feliciano had been thinking of visiting his mother in PEI. He'd already asked the chief of the editorial department for a week of vacation and John, the chief, had obliged willingly.

The Italian decided he would drive there instead because the flights were too expensive. The drive was only six hours. He knew it was worth it because he would drive through interesting provinces and he needed some time to clear his mind.

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