Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Feliciano sighed as the elevator doors opened. He was starting over.

His new apartment waited for him down the hall and his editorial position at a new company was to start on Monday. He lived in a new town called Etobicoke in Canada, the neighbouring town to Toronto. Feliciano's family had moved from Italy about fifteen years ago to Cavendish, PEI. By now his accent was almost gone but he still loved pasta. I mean what kind of Italian wouldn't?

Feliciano had moved from Cavendish to Toronto, Ontario for a fresh start. Five years prior, his brother, Lovino had passed away in a car accident. His parents split up when he was seventeen and he had gotten laid off from his previous job. It was rough, to say the least.

With a frustrated huff, Feliciano fished his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door to his apartment. He closed it behind him and stared at all the boxes the movers had left.

"I'm sure I didn't bring this much stuff..." He shrugged off his coat and threw it onto a chair.

Feliciano smirked when he saw a leather couch that had been left behind by the previous owner and flopped down onto it, an arm across his eyes. He felt so tired and a much needed sleep was in order. Just when he was starting to drift off, there was a knock at the door.

Groaning, he stood up and pulled open the door and looked up. With a small, inaudible gasp, he recognized those sky blue eyes but couldn't place who they belonged to.

"Uh... Hello." He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Hey. I was just coming to meet the new neighbour, see if you needed any help?" He furrowed his brow. "My name's Ludwig."

Feliciano could hear a faint German accent and held out his hand. "I'm Feliciano."

He stared at the tall, muscular, blonde German for a few long seconds before deciding he definitely didn't know this man.

"Thank you... I mean for coming to see if I needed help. Actually," Feliciano rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I do."


Ludwig stepped inside the apartment as Feliciano let him in. He knew the person immediately and remembered that time ten years ago with this innocent, beautiful teenager.

"Just tell me where you want stuff and I'll put it there." He pushed up the sleeves of his black sweatshirt, revealing a tattoo of swirling designs on his left arm that created a half-sleeve.

Feliciano stared at it for a moment before tearing his eyes away and picking up a box.

"The movers put the bookshelves in my bedroom. I mean most of these are books anyway..." He trailed off.


"I'm an editor." Feliciano frowned, a crease appearing between his eyebrows, feeling a little insecure.

"I'm the vice-president of Winfield publishing." Ludwig raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't trying to sound offensive."

Feliciano nodded and they got to work. Books were placed on shelves, organized into the year they were written. A lot of them were the ones that Feliciano had edited. They put together a media stand and a coffee table. Ludwig set up the DVD player while Feliciano hooked up his cable box and PS3.

By the time most of the unpacking was done, it was seven o'clock in the evening and they sat on the couch drinking a can of Stella.

"Today," Feliciano announced. "has been a long day."

Ludwig nodded and agreed. Feliciano noticed that Ludwig didn't smile very often, basically never. But he was handsome, his blonde hair kept in a strict order, pushed back from his face, his eyes bluer than the sky, and his arms...

He mentally kicked himself and blushed, looking away. He put his beer down on the table and Ludwig did a few moments later. Feliciano rest his head against the back of the couch and closed his eyes.

Ludwig stared at the beautiful face, admiring his features. He remembered Feliciano sleeping when he woke up in the morning. He would run over to Ludwig's house when his parents fought, seeking his safe arms.

Feliciano gasped loudly as he suddenly felt himself pinned to the couch on his back, eyes wide open with Ludwig's lips pressed firmly to his.

What does he think he's doing?


To be continued...

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