Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Feliciano went back to work and suddenly everything piled up. Two large manuscripts to edit in a short timeline of two weeks. He barely went home at all because he would stay at work into the early hours of the morning and sleep only a few precious hours only to go back to work at eight in the morning.

The Italian didn't get to talk to Ludwig at all and he barely saw him. Feliciano had drank a lot of coffee within those weeks, forcing himself to stay awake.

And now the deadline was only three days away and he had the manuscripts so close to being done. But he was so, so very exhausted. It was two in the morning on a Thursday night and he was sitting at his desk on his laptop editing a book.

Burying his face in his hands, he sighed and let his eyes close. Within seconds, he could feel himself falling asleep and he pinched himself hard.

"You're almost done, Feliciano... Come on." He chided.

There was literally two more pages of the first book and then he was done with a few more pages of the other book. The Italian was extremely sleep deprived and he just wanted to lie down on his bed and sleep.

This was just complete torture.


Finally, the manuscripts we're done and Feliciano had Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday to sleep all he wanted. His bed sounded like a miracle right now and all he wanted the was the warm blanket and the soft pillow.

That sounds so good.

The Italian drove home, forcing himself to stay awake just long enough to get to his apartment and into his bed. He rolled over and snuggled up under the blankets before he felt something warm beside him.

He almost screamed when he realized there was another person next to him but he slapped a hand to his mouth and took deep breaths.

What the hell is Ludwig doing here?

The German turned, facing Feliciano in his sleep and that's when he noticed tears streaking his face.

He desperately tried to stay awake to see if his boyfriend would need comfort but sleep took over his body and his mind and the world faded to black.


Ludwig awoke to a screaming Feliciano. He shot up in the bed and realized that the Italian was still asleep, thrashing violently.

"Arresto papà!* Per favore...*" He shouted, tears streaming down his face.

Ludwig grabbed his shoulder and squeezed lightly. "Feliciano, wake up!"

The screams continued.

"Wake up, please!" He shook him harder this time.

Feliciano shot up in the bed and brought his knees up to his chest as he immediately began to sob. He rocked back and forth slightly, shoulders shaking.

"Feli..." The German placed a hand on his shoulder and then noticed that he was shirtless.

How did he get like that?

Ludwig then noticed an almost fully healed scar from Feliciano's left shoulder blade to the middle of his back in a diagonal line. He brushed his shaky fingers over the raised skin.

"Don't look at it!" Feliciano's eyes shot to his. "It's ugly."

Ludwig pulled the crying Italian into his arms. "It's beautiful. All of your imperfections make you more perfect in my eyes."

He felt his boyfriend's arms wrapping around his neck as he buried his face in his neck. Ludwig kept an arm around Feliciano's waist, the other hand stroking his hair.

How did I never notice that?

"Ich liebe dich*." Feliciano whispered.

Although his German was choppy, it was good enough for Ludwig and he squeezed his hand gently.

"Ti amo." He whispered back, in his own choppy Italian.

They both chuckled lightly and lay back down, still holding onto each other as if life depended on it.

And maybe it did.


Feliciano slept the whole day Saturday and he swore it was the most amazing sleep he'd ever had. When he woke up Sunday morning and walked into the living room, Ludwig was still there.

"Buongiorno*." He walked over and kissed him on the forehead.

"Guten morgen*, birthday boy." The German smiled and pulled him back down for another, longer kiss.

"I completely forgot it was my birthday today." Feliciano scratched his head. "I am very forgetful."

Ludwig chuckled before standing up and grabbing Feliciano's hand. "You slept in so it's already twelve. We can do whatever you want today."

"Let me get out my pajamas," He gestured towards the plaid pants he donned. "and then we can go somewhere."

He went into his room and checked the weather.

"It's thirty degrees today Ludwig, you might want to go change into something other than that long-sleeved shirt." The Italian called back.

He heard the door close and then quickly changed into some jean shorts that he had gotten two years ago.

I'm surprised they're still at my knees.

Shrugging, he found a white tank top and pulled it on before grabbing his phone and waiting for Ludwig to come back.


Ludwig walked back into Feliciano's apartment in his signature black tank tops he always wore and some navy basketball shorts. He noticed his boyfriend very focused on his phone, thumb tapping the screen rhythmically.


"Hmm?" He glanced over and then back at his screen. "Damn it, you made me die on Flappy Bird!"

He smiled. "Sorry. Okay, what do you want to do? I'll take you anywhere."

Feliciano bit his lip and thought about it for a while before looking at Ludwig and answering.

"Let's go get tattoos."


Arresto papà! - Stop, dad! (Italian)
Per favore - Please (Italian)
Ich liebe dich - I love you (German)
Ti amo - I love you (Italian)
Buongiorno - Good morning (Italian)
Guten morgen - Good morning (German)


To be continued...

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