COAF: Chapter Six (1st draft)

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Chapter 6

  Where was I?

Ashes covered the ground and I rubbed my fingers against them. Tears came to my eyes as I found a small little doll that probably belonged to a baby girl. What was happening? Who did this?

All around me, fire roared. No life was seen for acres and acres and acres. It seemed like I was on top of the world, or at least, what was left of it. Every millimeter of Earth was burnt and life-less.

My mouth gaped at the destruction of something so beautiful. I remembered this place. This was my home before I left in Que Tosse! Falling to my knees, I clutched the doll and cried.

I was all alone. Or at least, I thought I was. "Oh, stop you're sobbing, girl!" barked a voice behind me. Somehow, I knew it was the man. "This is best for everyone! No one could handle living in peace, so they might as well not live at all. Am I right?" he hissed.

"No! You're wrong!" I shouted. "You're a monster!" Still I did not look at him.

"You have no idea how close you are to becoming ashes," spat the man. "Turn around, child, so I may see you're eyes." The potion forced me to turn around.

I screamed. In front of me was no man. It was a beast from the Underworld. "Hades!" I cried out.

"Yes, child. I am Hades, destroyer of the world, torturer of human kind, and Lord of the Underworld!" The beast chuckled.

I woke up sobbing. No one else was on the plane except Quentin and the man posessing him. "Well, child, sleep well?" he chuckled.

"You'll never get away with what you're planning to!" I had a instinct that he knew of my dream. "You'll always stay Lord of the Underworld! You'll never destroy our world!"

"Ah, there's that attitude again," growled Hades. "But let me tell you something, girl! Dreams never come true. But this one...will." I trembled in fear.

"Now accompany me as I finish off what we started."

"Where are we going?" I demand.

"To the head goverment of Isreal, obviously! Then, North Korea. Finally, to Que Tosse!" Quentin/Hades smiled an evil grin.

"What about Iraq?" I ask.

"They've joined by themselves and believe me, you do not wish to see how much damage is already caused." Another chuckle.

Hades didn't have to drag me along. He just had to keep forcing the potion to make me follow him. Of course I couldn't resist, but I could stall. The potion had power but used all of it to make me follow orders, so I went as slow as I could, which annoyed Hades greatly.

Soon, we arrived at the goverment building of Isreal. Hades commanded me to stay here. Charging in, Hades left me alone outside. No one was around. This was how the future would be. Dark, silent, empty, and dreadful.

Moments later, the goverment building burst to flames and officals ran out, screaming and shouting. Sirens could be heard from a long, hurrying to put out the flames and destruction. All the while, I stayed frozen on the spot. Quentin/Hades climbed out of the ruins and shouted, "You see! You see what they did!"

"Who?" demanded a large officer.

"Que Tosse!"

"What is Que Tonne?"

"Tosse. It's a invisible small island off the coast of Australia!" Hades pretended to be furious now. "They're going to attack soon! We should attack them first!"

The officals glanced at each other and back at Hades. "Sedah, what should we do?" they asked. Sedah?

"Sent soliders and bombs out to 240 E, 130 S. That's where Que Tosse lies hidden." The soliders listened to Hades and I could hear commands being thrown around. I mean, wouldn't you if you're house burnt to crisps and someone told you where the person who did was?

"Wait, how do we know you're not lying?" demanded someone. Hades pointed to me.

"That there is a child from Que Tosse!" Where these soliders truly going to trust a child's word? Apparently, after I was forced to tell them, they did trust my word.

Hades smiled evily again and walked over to me. "Perfect, girl. Now let's hope you're that way in North Korea."

Suddenly, hands grabbed from behind and began dragging me away. "Stop! Let me go!" I shrieked.

"Take her to the prison! I will have no Que Tossians in my country!" someone shouted. Hades looked furious and this time could do nothing.

I was a prisoner. Again.

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