COAF: Chapter Seven (written by partner)

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This was the ONLY chapter written by my partner. Again, 1st draft, LOL.

Chapter 7

Virgo's POV

Tears burnt my eyes as the Israelite soldiers pulled me past other cells. There were many soldiers from many different places, sitting up against the walls of the cells with bruises and cuts galore. There was not one bit of happiness here. It was all dead.

They threw me in, and I landed hard on my side. The impact blacked out my vision for a while, but I heard the screeching of the double barred door of my prison cell closing. I watched hopelessly as the Israelite soldiers walked off. I realized with sorrow and shock that one of them was a woman. A woman, guarding a war prison fighting in a World War. Never had we ever used women soldiers in Que Tosse. This was a new sort of pain, along with Quentin's possession and the world in chaos.

"You got the luck. You are lucky," whispered a soldier from the other side. I looked him over. He was dressed in an old, torn uniform. I realized with fear and anger that it was an Italian soldier. His accent was prominent in his English, and he bore Italian badges. How could an Axis' Revenge soldier be put in an Axis' Revenge prison? Unless, I realized with a sinking heart, Israel was with the New Allied Forces. That was why the person, obviously a general or even president of Israel, had shouted that he didn't want any Que Tossians in his country. We had helped Japan, and our mistake would not be forgotten...

I glared at him. "How am I lucky?" I asked, a little loudly. "How?" I repeated quieter.

He pointed wearily at my cell. "That cell... My fratello once sat there. Sly as the fox, you know? Turn and look." I did, and narrowed my eyes. There were little pictures and numbers scratched into the metal walls.

1. A square was under the 1.

2. Triangle.

3. Circle.

"Walk in a square," the soldier said mournfully. I stood up and walked the perimeter of my cell in a square, feeling dumb. All the Axis' Revenge soldiers were watching me hungrily, contributing to my discomfort. I then walked in a circle, a rounded version of my sloppy square. Then I tried the octagon. I heard a beepbeepbeep, the excited yells from the soldiers, then there was a white flash of light and I fell into nowhere.

I looked around. There was dark all around me, and my hands were submerged in cold, wet water. There was barely enough room to move, and it stank badly. I crawled on hands and knees through this dark, constricting space, toward a light from above. I reached up at it, and there was a high pitched scraping sounds as I pushed open a circular slab of rock. I poked my head up and gasped. I was in the middle of Rishon, a bustling city in Israel!

I looked to the left, and could see the tiny outlines of the government building and even further away was the prison. I was safe. I pushed myself out of the manhole and looked about myself. I expected long saris and burkas, but people seemed to dress very Western here. You could only tell they weren't Que Tossian from their skin and hair color. The sandy, tan buildings were beautiful, but some were damaged, and the damaged parts were replaced with shining black metal.

"Eh, hullo?" I looked up to see an Israelite man looking down on me. He was the one that had spoken. He had a long, black beard and was dressed in a suit. He had a British ring to his Israelite accent, but he was understandable. "Do you need help?" I nodded, and he helped me up. "How terrible it must be," he said sympathetically. "to be a tourist in a strange country, and then fall into the sewers!" He chuckled sadly.


"My name is Mr. Gamul Lirit. What is your name?"

I lied on this one, lest he recognize my Que Tossian name. "My name is Samantha."

He chuckled again. "Oh, the Americans. Such simple names."

Yep, Samantha the American tourist. That would work for now, I thought, as he led me out of the middle of the street.

Josef's POV

I blew some strands of hair out of my face, repulsedly. The harsh sunlight pouring through cracks in the clouds made my blonde hair appear white. Even though I was in a forest, on a mission not dangerous at all, I still held my electricity sword aloft. Why couldn't I hold a gun? I thought. I knew exactly why. At least, how they told us.

Germany, one of the three richest countries, couldn't 'afford' to give the fifteen year old runts like me something a little more evolved. All my life, growing up with three much older, way mature, smart, goody-two-shoes brothers, I'd always been mischievous, failing in math class, always in forth place. My country was in jeopardy, and I wanted to help. That's a good thing. Yet, here I was, holding a stupid light saber, in the dullest mission ever.

Despite my resentment, I wanted to treat this mission like I was breaking into a high security, super technology U.S. base. And now you wonder, what was the mission in the first place? Basically, I thought with a sigh, I was out for a milk run. The scientists engineered our swords and guns to run on electricity, which is renewable energy. This discovery meant if we had to fight forever, we could. However, we needed batteries. Again, as another discovery, our scientists found a way to create the batteries from a plant matter called floral carbon exfoliate.

It was the solid form of the waste from the carbon dioxide plants take in. There wasn't enough in the ancient days of the 2010s, and it was invisible, so we could not harness it. In 2087, when the atmosphere was practically made of carbon dioxide, a college student at a prestigious university found a way to make it visible, with the little, seemingly regular flashlight I had attached to my belt. We had many, for all the other tiny errand boys like me.

Creeping along the moss lined trees, I kept my eyes out for one the plants that produced the most flora exfoliate. I spotted an entire patch of the plants. Blathnaidies, huge flowering plants that had been created in a laboratory. The experiment's pollen were taken outside by accident, and being a genetically modified invasive, started taking over the German forests.

I stepped closer to a flower. It was as big and tall as I was, maybe even more. Its delicate pink petals glistened in the sun. Very pretty. I shined the flashlight on it, and almost stumbled back. We had all seen pictures and videos of carbon exfoliate in our military training, but up close, it looked disgusting! It was brown, slimy, and just about the grossest thing I had ever seen in my entire life.

"Ewww," I whispered as I scraped it off with gloved hands into special containers.

After filling six containers with the stuff, I spoke into my watch that doubled as a communication system. "I have the material," I said, trying in vain to deepen my voice. "I should be back soon."

I broke into a jog toward my aircraft back in the front of the forest and climbed in. It was cramped, more tight than the planes for the older soldiers. I sighed again as I started it up. Forth place. Then, I got a message from a general.

"Asian Turkish terrorists have bombed the Galata bridge and are attacking European Turkey! Report back to base immediately!"

My blood ran cold, but in my firmest voice I replied, "Yes, sir!" Now, terrorists were coming into the picture. Could anything get much worse?

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