COAF: Chapter Ten (1st draft)

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Chapter 10

Virgo's POV

I panted heavily as I ran from the police men. Defunct? No, she can't have been! Did I...Did I cause it?

Tears ran down my cheeks and I choked against the blast of wind. I had to get away. I had to. I needed to think.

Oh, why was I such an idiot? I'd told her I hated her! I told her so many bad things, all because of my stupid piercings. I mentally face-palmed myself.

She was gone forever. I'd never see her again. Never be able to excuse myself for my behaviors. I'd be in this sorry curse forever.

I wanted to rip those piercings right off me!

Later, I said to myself. Right now I had to escape.

"Ah!" I gasped as I sat straight up in my sleep. My heart was beating quickly and I was sweating abudantly. Groaning, I laid back down.

Why has my past come back to pain me? Especially now of all times when I'm on the run from Hades and...Quentin.

Suddenly, I remembered yesterday. Or was a few yesterdays ago?

Quentin's eyes were a charming blue, like they'd been when I met him. Did he get away from Hades? Or was he tricking me? Or maybe the light was tricking me. No, scratch that. The <i> world</i> was definately tricking me. And I was too weak to fight back and resist. It showed me what I wanted and made me fall. Then, it practically stabbed me in the back for my foolishness.

So, naturally, the conclusion was to be emotionless. I couldn't let my emotions and feelings come anymore. We're in a war! I'm being chased by lunatics from the future! Who had time for feelings?

I know I didn't anymore.


Soon, I found the nearest town, Kfar Chabad. Did I really go that far? It was a couple miles away from Rishon.

Suddenly, I spotted a poster of me! Well, it was actually really ugly. I mean, why are my eyes alien eyes? And what happened to my piercings?


This girl is from the country that wishes to destroy the world! If seen, report, and we will handle the dangerous criminal with our fairest punishment for treason.

I gulped. Did they still do the medievel penalties? I thought as I read the English version on the poster.

I couldn't be spotted so I had to disguse myself. Spotting a line of clothes hanging from a house, I ran over. No one was watching them, so it was perfect to steal.

I know, I know. Stealing's wrong! But so is the world. And I'd pay them back one day. I grabbed a black cloak and a weird, old dress. I don't think I need any more. I threw the cloak hood over my head after putting on the dress over my summer clothes from Niga.

All around me, people bustled around. It was a quiant, lively village with happy Israelis and barking dogs. The buildings were old looking and had moss coating the walls. It felt like everyone was watching me. The strange sensation made my duck my head to keep from my face from showing. Quentin had been right. My piercings did attract attention and made it obvious who I was. Thank god I'd taken them off while we were in Que Tosse.

I had no idea what to do next. Stop the war? Find a hotel to rest? Keep running from Hades? I was so confused and stuck. I felt completely blank, which was good, wasn't it?

I suddenly congeal when I saw the latest news.


I knew who's work this really was. Quentin.

Tears flooded my eyes for some reason and I wiped them away. How could I have been so foolish! He would never change! He'd always be evil! And I didn't like him!

I sniffled and hurried away. Why am I so weak? Why did I care if he was back to being Hades? I didn't feel anything for him!

I was so weak that I was trying to convince myself of those facts. Even though I knew they were true.

Oh, curse Quentin! Why is he so confusing? Why did he have to turn evil again? And while I'm at it, I might as well curse myself for falling for him.

But, that was never going to happen again, I promised myself.

Could I keep that promise?

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