COAF: Chapter Eight (1st draft)

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Chapter 8

*My Chapter*

Virgo's POV

I was still acting like Samantha the American Tourist as Gamul led me around Isreal on a tour. I had to admit, Isreal was quite beautiful, much different from Que Tosse. It was sad that 1% out of Que Tossians would be able to see the rest of the world's beauty.

Currently, Gamul was telling me about the Old City of Jerusalem when I spotted Israelite soliders across the street, looking around. My eyes widened. Those were the soliders that shoved me into that prison! Uh oh. If I was spotted, I was done for.

"Uh, Mr. Lirit?" I interuppted him. "Do you know any good hotels to stay in for the night?"

Gamul stoked his chin thoughtfully. "Well, perhaps some. Why? Are you already tired when we've just begun?" I nodded and Gamul sighed. "Yes, you must be from falling into a sewer."

Gamul continued to think. "Ah! Yes, I do know a hotel that could let you stay a night for free. But only a night since you look like you have no money."

 How did he know that?  I glanced back down at myself and realized I didn't look like the kind of person that would have loads of money in their back pocket of jeans.

"My good friend, Tamar, owns a hotel not far from here. The Bethlehem Guest Hotel that just newly opened," Gumal continued. "He doesn't have many guests so he'd be delighted to take you in. Give him this." He handed me a sealed letter adressed to Tamar Eshkol. I nodded.

I debated whether or not to do this but I finally decided it would be okay. Before leaving, I hugged Gumal and, seeming a little startled at first, hugged me back. When we left go, I smiled at him. "Thank you, Mr. Lirit," I said before turning to walk away.

Following the adress on the letter, I found my way to the Bethlehem Guest Hotel. Luckily, I wasn't spotted by the soliders.

As I stepped into the hotel, I almost puked. It was disgusting! Cockroaches climbed the walls and cieling, the carpet was sticky and sharp and hurt my bare feet, and the windows were dirty and green.

"Hullo! How may I help you?" someone asked from the desk in front of me. The man looked a bit like Gamul, only with dirty blonde and brown hair and was fatter and had a arched back.

Nervously, I handed him the letter Gamul gave me and the man grunted as he opened it. After an hour of reading, he finally looked up and down at me.

"Are you Samanithia?" he asked. The man didn't have Gamul's British ring to Israelite accent.

"Uh, Samantha, but yes, I am," I said, fiddling with my thumbs.

The man stood up, walked around the desk and stuck out his hand for me to shake. "Hullo, Samantha. I am Tamar, Gamul's friend," he said as I shook his hand. "So you have no money? Well, to do a favor for Gamul, I'll let you say for tonight." Tamar rummaged his pocket, looking for something. "Aha!" He pulled out a screw-driver. "Here's you're room key."

Room key? It was a screw-driver! I gawked and glanced up at Tamar to see if he was serious. Tamar's face was smiling at me. Yup, he looked serious.

"Uh...thanks?" I took the screw driver. "Um, what room am I?"

"The screw-driver has the number," Tamar said. Before I could object about the screw-driver-key, Tamar hurried away. To the bathroom. I couldn't believe it. No one this darn hotel had no guests. It was junky!

I turned the screw-driver-key over and over until I found the number. Room 2. Wow, one other person was either stupid or desperate enough to go to this hotel. I sighed and hurried up the stairs. The hotel didn't even have a old-fashioned regular elevator, much less a new-fashioned airovator or one of those elevators that erupted from the ground.

As I passed Room 1, I heard strange noises and I could see an odd red light from under the door crack. I stoppd suddenly. That red light was familar. No, it couldn't be!

I laid down on the floor and peeked through the crack under. The room was empty except for one tall figure I recognized too well. I almost gasped as the tall figure looked like he was collecting more and more power. Squinting, I could see a projection of a bridge being bombed. "Yes, yes, that's it! Attack back!" rasped the person, freezing his arms that were moving in a way that looked like he was throwing the bombs.

No, no, no! This was not good! I hurried away from the door seperating Quentin/Hades and me and unlocked the door to my room.

The windows were shattered, the couch was ripped apart and springs popped out of it. The t.v. was thrown to the floor. Suddenly, the door behind me shut.

"Que Tossian, we have you trapped," boomed the man behind me. Oh no.

I turned back to face the man that had thrown me in prison. He was blocking the door and three other men with lightning swords came out of the closet. I gasped.

I was surrounded my Israelite soliders, the room next to mine contained Hades and there was absoulutly no escape! My panicked eyes darted around the room. From the angry men approaching me to the couch and then to the shattered window. Suddenly, an idea formed in my brain.

As one man grabbed my arm, I stomped on his foot and jumped over the couch. Oh lord, please work. The men snarled and tried to follow me but I pushed the couch to fall over. The couch landed on the men, trapping them for a quick moment. One more man was left. The cieling fan was right above the man and was hanging by practically one cord. I spotted a rock near the window and, grabbing it, I threw it over to the cieling fan. I guess junky furniture had its advantages. The cieling fan slowly snapped and landed on the man.

All I needed to do next was jump out the window. Easy! Er, maybe not. By the time, I carefully climbed out the window, the man got the cieling fan off him and the other men got the couch off them, running to capture me.

I stuck out my tongue. Yes, childish, I know, but it was fun to annoy them. "Wooo!" I shouted as I jumped down. The last thing I saw from the room was Quentin burst into the room.

How did I know it was Quentin? Well, it was obvious. The eyes were a light blue.

My own eyes widened as I realized, Quentin was free from Hades! "Whoa!" I shouted, barely avoiding a crow flying by. Snapping back to reality, I panicked.

I was falling into my doom! Until, I saw a banner right below me, announcing the opening on the Bethlehem Guest Hotel. So, I grabbed it to keep from squishing onto the ground that was just ten feet below me.

The banner was strong and I held on as it swinged around. Pedestrians glanced up at me and gasped. Tourists must have thought I was part of an act and began clapping and whistling. Suddenly, I realized I couldn't stay up here, swinging forever. The banner's fabric was beginning to snap.

Here goes nothing.

I let go of the banner and jumped. I'm stupid, my conscious reprimanded.

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