COAF: Chapter Two (1st draft)

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Chapter 2

"M-me?" I couldn't believe it.

"Y-yes y-you," mimicked Quentin. I slapped his arm.

"You cannot be serious. You're joking, right? I'm a nobody theif and I refuse to help anyone! Or to accept help from you."


"Don't call me that! I'm nobody!"

"Fine, Nobody, you have to. If you don't want the world to go into destruction," Quentin snapped.

"Like I care about the world! What has the world given me? Oh yeah- a suckish life. No," I stated simply.

Quentin sighed. "We'll talk more in the morning about this. For now, let's go to sleep." I frowned even more and reluctantly laid onto a soft grass patch. The steam from my ears began to cool down.

Hours later, I was waken from my sleep by voices. It was Quentin and another man talking. I pretened to snore, since I know I sometimes do, and turned over. Through the small crack of my eyelids, I could see Quentin watching me. Finally, he turned away.

"Sir, she won't."

"Well, you'll have to force her! We cannot end this war! This war is the best thing that could happen for the future!" snarled a voice, coming from Quentin's glowing watch. I opened my eye a little bit more and saw that it wasn't a watch. It was a odd gadget, like a cell phone, only it projected images into the air. The glowing blue projection from the watch thing showed a man with a bushy beard and dark tuxedo. I kept my gasp down.

"If she stops the war with her little peace triumphs and such, then what would all our work of creating the war earlier and worser than it was to be. In fact, the countries that would have started the actual war are the only countries at peace!" the man continued.

"You mean, like, Iran, Isreal, North Korea?" asked Quentin.

"Yes, you stupid boy. Now you must, must, must convince her to the darker sides and to make Que Tosse fight! Que Tosse would make a humungous effect and put more gruesome war in, what with all their supplies and trained men. Tah! This will be a war that'll never end as soon as Que Tosse joins." I had to clamp my mouth from gasping this time. "Now, if she still refuses, give her a small sip of this." A small bottle vaporated from the air and it looked like the man was holding it out to Quentin, through the projection.

Quentin took it, opened the clasp, and sniffed. His eyes widened. "Sir? This is a deadly posion!"

"If used in the wrong hands. With the right plants added, it's a potion to force anyone do anything you want." The man chuckled. "Worked with my daughter."

"But that's torture potion!" Quentin exclaimed, horrified.

"Shush! Don't wake her!" snarled the man. Then more calmly, he added, "That's the reason why it always works. Everyone is too weak in the heart to resist it till it passes."


"No buts." The man glanced behind him. "I must go now. Do what you must to make this work. We're counting on you." The projection flickered and turned off. I turned away to face the shadows so the boy couldn't see my wide, clearly open eyes and my horrified face.

Quentin sighed and laid down next to me. As soon as I was sure he was asleep, I moved away. I wasn't about to have a murduring no good lier sleep next to me. Although it was sad to leave that soft patch of grass and go onto the scratchy grass.

In the morning, I woke up and yawned to see Quentin watch the died down fire again. "Morning," he muttered. "Sleep well?"

I nodded, lying. I hadn't in fact. All night I had nightmares of Quentin pouring the potion into my drinks or him holding a knife to my throat and the man from the projection chuckling and balling up his fists. "Lucky," I heard him say under his breath. "Now, come on. That ankle of yours should be feeling better."

"Where we going?" I questioned, suspiscious. Luckily, Quentin didn't notice.

"Into town and then soon out of here to go save the world."

"Why not stay here and save the world?"

"'Cause it's impossible to do it in one country. Especially an unnoticed country," Quentin snorted. "Come on already! And don't expect me to carry you again."

"Wouldn't want you to," I said. Quentin rolled his eyes.

Soon we were on our way. Our deadly way.

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