Fallen for You

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This is the magical thing about entertainment industry. As an artist who works in this harsh industry he's basically not allowed to show his sorrow nor his problems. The only duty he has is making his fans happy, no matter how his heart is, the world shouldn't need to know.

Jackson walked to the parking lot far away behind the others. It was maybe the 100th times he checked on his cellphone. But no text messages or missed call like he expected. He opened his text message again and started to type.

Youngji-ah, how are you? Are you okay? You know, I'm sorry for what happened. Please call me or text me... I need to know your condition. Please.


Jackson put his phone back to his jacket and walked in silent until they got on their van. He sat quietly at the back seat beside Mark. While the others were busy with their own cellphone and talked, Jackson closed his eyes, trying to calm his worry heart eventhough he knew he couldn't really do that. His head full of thought about Youngji, he had hurt her, and apolology was the last thing he could expect from her.

He checked his phone this time again, and found nothing; Youngji didn't even read his messages. But, he couldn't even expect more but kept sending her messages hopping there's a chance for her to read them.

Youngji-ah, I know you hate to see my texts, but please just let me know your condition. I'm truly worried about you. You don't have to forgive me, but please reply.


He remembered how she cried in pain, how the blood.... Jackson sighed heavily remembering what happened yesterday. He pulled his jacket tighter expecting it would make his uneasy heart warmer. But, nothing's changed.

Mark watched Jackson from the corner of his eyes. He could sense his unease. He even realized his sad eyes on stage of their fan meeting before even though he tried to act like his usual self but he couldn't really hide it. He, then, looked at the others, and when he was sure the others had their earphone plugged in he decided to talk quietly to Jackson.

"Hey, are you alright?" Mark touched Jackson's arm, he knew Jackson wasn't asleep.

Jackson opened his eyes and looked at Mark, he smiled weakly, "I'm ok." He answered short.

"But you don't look ok."

Jackson didn't answer this time. He knew Mark is not someone you can lie to. He just knows.

"Are you worried about Youngji?"

"To be honest, yes."

"She doesn't answer your call?"

"Everything. She doesn't answer any of my calls and messages."

"She might take a rest. I'm sure she's okay. You know how strong she is, don't you?" Mark said, trying to make Jackson a little bit at ease.

"I hope so." Jackson replied short. He felt Mark patted his arm several times like he was trying to comfort him. And honestly he appreciated that gesture of affection. Mark was not type who talk a lot but when he talks Jackson felt like he had shared his burden, not much, but enough to make his heart little bit lighter.

In twenty minutes they arrived at their apartment and Jackson closed his room door immediately when he arrived, prevented everyone to come in. He stood in the middle of his dark room, dropped his bag on the floor, standing still for a moment before he threw himself on to the bed. He had no intention or maybe even energy left to just turn on the light, that's why he let his body laid down on his cold bed in the dark. One more time, he checked his phone and saw nothing.

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