I need to Understand You

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Jackson pressed the pass code to his apartment. It's unlocked. He pushed the door and came in. He just arrived from exercising at the gym he usually goes to at Gangnam. Throwing his bag on to the couch, he went to the kitchen to grab some water. The apartment was a bit messy, not because he didn't arrange or being lazy to arrange his apartment but it was his new apartment he moved to a week ago. It was his own apartment that he bought from his own money after five and half years becoming Got 7 member. It was not a super luxurious one but it was a nice one and it was close to the agency office.

He gulped down the water and threw the bottle away to the garbage. He was walking out the kitchen when he suddenly hit the boxes near the door. "Damn it!" he cursed; rubbing his toes. He walked limply to his bathroom to take a bath.

It was almost 9.00 when Jackson finished taking a shower, and after put on his body lotion and cologne as usual he walked out the room toward his kitchen to make some breakfast. He opened his fridge and scanned what's inside. Sandwich and a glass of orange juice was the only choice he had. While he was making his sandwich, his phone buzzed; his manager called.

"Yes, hyung?" he answered through the speaker phone.

"Hey,Jackson-ah. I know today is your day off, but can you come to the office at two? There's something we need to discuss about your schedule on Jeju island tomorrow."

"Sure," he replied, "are you going to pick me up or...?"

"Can you come by yourself? I need to take care of something for your schedule, that's why I ask you to meet at the office."

"Oh, okay. No problem."

"Okay then, bye."

The call ended and Jackson brought his sandwiches and orange juice to the living room. He turned on the TV and started eating his breakfast and watching documentary show about tigers on the Discovery Channel. But he didn't feel like watching TV in a sudden, so he turned off the TV.

The silence suddenly hugged him. There's no other sound except the sound of him chewing his sandwich. No BamBam's noise when he yelled calling him or Jinyoung who sang or humming whenever he did something. His decision to move out and live alone was taken when PD-nim and their manager announced that they could live in different places now since they basically had different activities while Got 7 was in hiatus. But it fully their decision whether moving out or not. And Jackson decided to live in his own apartment.

It didn't mean he dislike living together with the others, surely he loved to be together with the others but he thought there were some times when he loved to have more privacy or enjoyed to be alone, and besides he went abroad so much. And other thing that surely came to his mind, he would love to invite Youngji to play at his own apartment, on private, with no members who suddenly came and snatched her away from him.

He scanned his living room. Some stuffs had arrange in their places but there were still some boxes stacked at the corner of the room, waiting to be unboxed and arranged in their proper places. He wondered when he would do that.

While yawning Jackson slid open his phone. He was scrolling down his Instagram time line, smiled at his friends' funny photos, liked some unique posts, and commented here and there to his friends and members' posts.

Here you are! He said to himself. He stopped at Youngji's post. She posted herself in a filming location; she looked like filming her new variety show. She posted several photos and a video. The show seemed like it's a combination of autumn exercise adventure thing and culinary. She looked kind of sexy in his eyes. Well... she actually always looked that way in his eyes, but in these photos she looked amazingly stunning, with sweat and all those tired expression. Jackson felt his heart pounding out of his chest.

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