vingt-huit ;

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It was early the next morning when Tyler woke up to the apartment door closing. After realizing that Joshua wasn't in the space beside him and that there was whispering sounding from directly outside the bedroom door, the brunette weighed his limited options. He could stay in the room and call 9-11, he could lock himself in the bathroom and just wait for the strangers to leave, or he could go out swinging and try to defend himself with the toilet plunger. Before he could decide, the door opened with a creak. The brunette's heart was racing as he played dead.

"Ty? You up?"

It was Joshua's warm voice that reverberated through the room. The sound of the man's voice alone could soothe Tyler into safest mindset.

"I am now."

"Come outside. Someone's waiting for you."


The three were seated around the table, laughing together. There were dried tear tracks streaked down the brunette's cheek, as he stared admiringly at the two seated across from him. Jenna had came home.

When Tyler had finally let go of the blonde after flinging himself onto her on sight, Josh explained the shady behavior he had been showing earlier.

"She made me promise not to ruin the surprise," he shrugged sheepishly. "I never break my promises."

"You're friggin' crazy, Joshua Dun." he elbowed his lover in the ribs playfully before reaching up and placing a long, loving kiss on his lips.

"Alright, now that this whole mess is over, I got to get some sleep. Where should I sleep?"

"There's a room upstairs. I can show you." the brunette jumped to his feet as he led his best friend through the living room and up the stairs.

When the two friends were in the spare room by themselves, Tyler started explaining everything that had happened in the past few months Jenna had been away.

"And then we, you know..."

Jenna stopped folding the sweater she had packed and looked at Tyler with a raised eyebrow. "Do I?"

"Yes, you do. I'm not going into anymore detail than that."

"Why not? I haven't been able to annoy you in so long and you can't even give me the satisfaction of giving in for once?"

After a moment of hesitation, Tyler sighed and cleared his throat, his ears already starting to heat up. The fact that he already had all the gory details ready on the tip of his tongue added to the embarrassment.

"The first time was amazing. He took control of everything and made me feel so special. He takes care of me, I guess. There's not much else I could ask for out of him. Even his name is like perfection. Josh," he says the name like it's a wounded bird being cradled in his bare hands. "It rolls off my tongue so easily. Just to think I used to be so concerned calling him Joshua."

"You're gonna make me cry! Ugh I'm so glad you're happy."

Tyler hadn't thought about it so simply. Considering the circumstances, he was in such a good place surrounded by the people he loved for the most. For a while, the word happy hadn't even been in his vernacular.

"That's the best way to describe it, isn't it?"



um sorry i dont update at all lmao im a literal loser ! call u believe this chapter is actually like 500 words that makes me upset.

i made a goal imma try to finish this book by august ! im almost done ! goddamn im so lazy and uninspired fUCK

if u want to hear my rant go to my rant book lmao im not gonna post all my gay shit here

i love you guys so very fucking much thank you for sticking with me and this book. im really gonna try updating and stuff you guys deserve it it really is the least i can do.

x- madison

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