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Tyler couldn't stop fuming over dinner. Jenna had refilled both of their glasses more than enough times as the boy spat in detail how egotistical and nasty the advisor turned out to be.

"He kept looking at me too," the boy's words started to slur, but just barely. "He had these eyes...I wasn't sure if he was checking me out or just sizing me up, deducing me." he took another sip of the red wine.

"Or seducing you." Jenna commented as she snickered, eyeing the unamused boy from behind her glass.


Jenna snorted marginally while she cleared the plates from the small table. Tyler ran his hands through his messy hair, starring intently into the maroon liquid. The boy couldn't get those piercing eyes out of his mind. They were beautiful, of course, tantalizing even. They confused the boy, too, because there was so much going on behind them. The orbs never stopped moving, even when they focused on a single something, they continued to analyze the subject. Joshua's eyes were inspecting and scrutinizing the younger boy's whole being as soon as they had met.

For some reason, Tyler reveled in the idea of the older man lingering his stares just for him. It was compelling, something new for once.

"Ty, you can't be mad at this guy forever. He's your teacher after all." Jenna interjected his fathomless fantasies.

"Oh, I know. It's just...he's such an asshole." the boy just rolled his eyes as he polished off his alcohol. His head started to feel "not good", so he carefully trudged to his room and rolled onto his bed.

And as the kid tucked himself into his sheets, he was pleasured at the sense that Joshua was thinking about him at that exact moment.


Tyler awoke with a headache and tired eyes. The boy knew he had drank too much, but it was too late to turn back now.

"Jen!" the boy called, his skull tensing and his eyes straining at the sound. The boy massaged his temple as he heard the click of heels reverberated through his ears as the closed in.

"I got you some aspirin." the blonde came in, holding a large glass of water and a few aspirins cradled in her palm.

The boy let out a sigh as he hesitantly sat up on his elbows, becoming exhausted just by performing that action.

"You were pretty heated last night." the girl said as she carefully handed the weathered boy the glass of water.

"Well I had a right to. Do you not remember what I told you? Do I need to get drunk again?"

Jenna laughed a hardy laugh, making Tyler smile as he sipped the water.

"No, you don't."

"Good. I don't think I can."

More laughs.

The girl handed the brown hair a pill. He placed it on his tongue, and sucked down a generous amount of aqua.

There was silence, then, the mood changing. Tyler didn't know why.

"You're still going to school right?" Jenna had a serious demeanor splayed across her facade, concerning the boy slightly.

"O-of course, Jen. Why..." Tyler let the thought fade, still befuddled by the question.

"We've worked too hard for it to be thrown all away-"

"I'm not going to throw it away." the boy interrupted, seeming a bit insulted by the comment.

"I know," the girl switched to being more pissed and demanding in seconds. "so that's why you're going to go to back to that school in a week and show that asshole of a teacher who Tyler Joseph really is. Show him that you can do anything he wants you to, except ten times better."

"But what if I can't?" the boy's mind traveled back to the words Melanie had spoke to him during their water break.

"Tyler," Jenna warned, making Tyler shrug into his skin. "Do not talk like that. Do it, or all of this will have been for nothing."

And though it was harsh, it stuck with Tyler, in the front of his brain with a perfect view. That week went by as quick as a surprised dream, and by the time Tuesday came around, boy was Tyler ready to truly become a ballerina.


bOI am i sorry for the long ass wait !1!1!

this is such a shit chapter lol i was thinking about how many ppl actually enjoy this story which gave me inspiration to finish this. i promise the next chapter will have some more depth and shit but for now read this it doesn't really have much importance but oops

thank you all so much

i love you to pieces and as a whole.

ballerina // jøshlerWhere stories live. Discover now