Ten: Four Letter Word. (Edited)

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Four Letter Word.

Adult theme. Reader discretion is advised. 

Two weeks had gone by since Evita, and I became official, and two weeks since she had moved in. Sighing heavily, I forced myself back into reality and returned to grading the test that had been handed in. I had often forgotten just how annoying tests were - not just for the students but for the teachers as well. Staying later than you were paid for and taking extra work home. Licking my lips, I wrote a ninety percent in the corner of the paper and moved on to the next, only for a distraction to walk into my classroom.

Looking at the door, I watched as Athena made her way towards me, a pink paper in hand, which had caused some confusion until I realized that I had been on A.S.S duty all week. This caused me to clench my hand into a tight fist as I held my hand out for the slip so I could sign it, allowing them to see that the students showed up for their punishment. After signing the paper, I gestured for Athena to take a seat while I continued to grade the papers in front of me. The classroom was consumed with silence outside of me, flipping through the papers and marking what answers they got wrong. I could never understand how some students still couldn't tell the difference between their, there, and there, but I could only blame myself if I were not teaching them correctly.

"I can help you with grading those," Athena suggested. The sound of her chair scraping against the floor filled the room as the sound of her footsteps followed. I didn't have time for her to be screwing around.

"No. That wouldn't be fair to the others who have A.S.S today as well," I started, pulling my attention away from the papers to see that Athena had been a bit too close for my comfort. Licking my lips, I forced my attention back on the papers, only for Athena to place her hand on mine, effectively stopping me. A ping of irritation filled me as I dropped the pen and stood up from my seat. What the hell is she trying to do? I stared hard at Athena, who had a sly smile on her lips. The look of pure evil had been in her eyes as she moved around the desk until we were inches away from each other. 

"You know, you still technically belong to me. It was part of the contract our parents signed," Rage had consumed me as I stared hard at Athena. The smile on her lips turned into a wicked grin as she reached her hand out and placed it on my arm, attempting to pull me into her. I stood my ground, holding myself in place, which had seemed to cause frustration in her. When would this sick and twisted game end for her? What did she not understand about forcing your feelings on someone who didn't want them? 

"I'm not going to tell you this again, Athena. Nothing. Will. Ever. Happen. Between. Us," I shoved her away from me and grabbed the pile of papers, getting ready to leave. The anger in me kept growing as I opened the classroom door, leaving the room without further disruption. What the hell am I supposed to do if she keeps doing this? I can't quit this job yet, and I can't force them to transfer her to another school. This school is hard to get into as it is. I could go after the contract, but I don't think Billie will hand it over so easily unless I still agree to be their puppet. 


When I got home, I was surprised to find that Evita had a few guests over. They were all casually sitting in my living room, drinking water and wine. My eyes took them in, noticing that there were two teenagers, an infant, possibly close to a year, an older man, and an older woman. Did she invite her family over? Reaching into my pocket, I grabbed my cellphone, seeing I had any messages from Evita to find that she had called me three times, and sent a total of five text messages, explaining that her family would be coming over to check up on her as she had told them about her situation. They wanted to make sure that there was a threat or strings attached. I had been a little offended at the idea of there being strings attached or the idea of me being a threat to her, but I feel that I would have had the same worries if I had been her parents. 

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