Twenty: The World. (Edited)

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So, I know this chapter is going to be relatively short compared to the previous chapters. This is the last chapter of the first book, and I want to give everyone who has read this new version to the very end a sincere thank you. Thank you for sticking with me through all of this and all of the changes that I've made. I look forward to seeing you in "Luther Love." 



The World.

Our morning had been busy. After checking out at 6:00 am, Evita and I stayed at the hotel a little longer to enjoy some breakfast. We both had made the smart choice of eating something light because as soon as our flight had taken off, I ended up being stuck in the bathroom of the airplane, throwing my guts up. Feeling my body heave, another round of bile had escaped my lips. Evita had been rubbing my back and holding my hair while a few flight attendants had been checking up on us, offering water. One of them had even offered me a Xanax. I had been offended that they thought this was anxiety, but I could understand why. 

"I think - I think I'm done," I started, allowing myself I breathe properly, now that my body was no tensed. Inhaling deeply, I went to stand up, only for everything to spin. What the hell is happening? I've never gotten sick from flying. I did it too much for this to be an issue. Closing my eyes, I opened them once more, seeing that Evita had been looking at me with concern. I reached my hand out and grabbed her, watching as she held out a bottle of water for me. A small smile broke on my lips as I opened it and took a drink, washing my mouth out. 

"Are you gonna be okay?" Evita asked as she watched me spit the water out of my mouth. I gave her a faint nod before I washed my hands. A flight attendant stepped into view, a smile on her lips as she held out a cup of what looked like sprite and a pill. Although this caused me to frown from this, the smile on her lips grew. 

"It's sprite and anti-nausea medicine, Mrs. Luther. This will help settle your stomach so that you can enjoy your flight," Evita thanked the woman, grabbing the sprite and pill, holding them out for me. I stared at it, not understanding if I had been nauseous or it had been the breakfast we ate that caused this. Then, taking the pill and drinking what I could of the sprite, Evita and I left the bathroom, making our way back to our seats. We had been aware of a few of the first-class passengers keeping their eyes on us, but we ignored it. 

"I'm sorry," I started as we both sat down. Right now, I wanted Evita to hold me, but these seats were making it impossible. I reached my hand over the small barrier between us, waiting for her to grab my hand, and when she did, I closed my eyes. Maybe I could sleep through the flight, "I think I'm gonna sleep through the flight," 

"That's okay, baby," Evita started, "I'm gonna go over some notes Juno left me on some of your old cases." I opened my eyes from this and looked over at her. Why did Juno give you notes from my cases? I looked at Evita, who had been putting her hair into a lazy bun before she allowed her attention to shift towards me. A smile tugged at her lips as she held out the notes, almost as though she could read my mind. 

"Why did she give these to you?" 

"I asked her for them. I wanted to see how you handled all of your cases. I wanna make sure that when we return, I'm not blindsided by your suggestions," I rolled my eyes from this and rested my head against the seat. I wasn't that drastic when it came to my cases. Sure, I was a bit out of there when it comes to it, but I still won my cases.

"You told a judge to shut up," My eyes shot open from this as I reached for the file she had been reading, but she pulled away. Why would Juno include that case? Evita gave out a heartfelt laugh as she went to read on that I had told a judge to shut up because he was making unnecessary remarks about my client's body. I was held in contempt for telling him to shut up, but it was removed once another judge had stepped into the picture. 

"I'm going to sleep," Evita hummed in response before telling me 'goodnight' and that she 'loved me.' 


When we landed in Japan, Evita had been in a culture shock, which had been amusing to me. We walked around the airport until we were able to find our driver. Evita stared out the window the entire time, taking in Tokyo, which only caused me to smile at her. I had only been to Japan once, and I barely remember it. I kept my distance from Evita as she started to talk about how she wanted to see all of the major tourist destinations, like the shrines and temples. Again, it only caused me to laugh. She was like a child; it was adorable. 

"You're so adorable," I whispered, barely loud enough for her to hear what I had said. I watched as she looked back at me, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she reached her out, lacing our fingers together. I could see that she wanted to kiss me, but we didn't out of respect, "Let's wait until we're in the hotel. Okay?" Evita nodded her head and returned to looking out the window. 

After some time of driving, we had finally arrived at the hotel and got checked in. We were staying in a Luther hotel, which was okay for me, as it meant that they would be expecting us and understood the relationship that I had with Evita. When we got into our room, I watched as Evita had run towards the large window, taking in the city. Her face had been pressed firmly against the glass, causing me to howl with laughter from this. She was a child at heart. Setting our bags down, I walked towards her, careful not to scare her, and wrapped my arms around her waist. 

"It's beautiful," She breathes out, never taking her eyes off of the city, but I found myself staring at her reflection through the glass. A smile played on my lips as I turned my head and placed gentle kisses on her neck, causing her to laugh from this. 

"I think you're the most beautiful thing I've set my eyes on all night," I could feel her body heat up from this, causing me to return my attention to the window, seeing that she had been blushing. A chuckle escaped my lips as I locked eyes with Evita from our reflection. I could stare into her eyes for the rest of my life. Tightening my grip on her waist, I pulled her closer to me. 

"Evita, why don't we get married," 

"We're already married," She replied, turning in my arms to look at me. 

"No, I mean a real wedding. One where we have to plan everything. The dresses, the venue, the guest, the cake. Not something with just a judge, but with our families and friends. I want to give you the whole works," Evita looked at me, placing her hands on my cheeks, a smile playing on her lips, as she leaned in, connecting out lips. The kiss had been filled with passion—a passion I had yet to receive from her. 

"I'm going to give you the world, Evita," 

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