Two: After School! (Edited)

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After School!

Piper's and I walked down the empty school hallways again; our heels clicked against the ground, leaving the echo to fill the silent air. Holding several large boxes in not only my arms but Piper's as well, we talked about how my first day had gone. From the attitude that Mrs. Tivoli had still given to the adamant students about making class hard for me and me. It had also seemed that Piper and I shared a handful of the students, making it easier for us to figure out how to deal with each student and their attitude problems. I watched as Piper turned around to face me, a small smile on her lips as she used her back to open the front door of the school, allowing me to pass through and shift my weight to hold the door open for her with my foot. 

"How did things go between you and Tivoli?" Piper as we stepped down the stairs and continued to walk through the parking lot towards Piper's spare car. My eyes kept on the ground as I thought about how to express what had happened. The conversation between the two of us had been curt. Licking my lips, I looked back up at Piper, who had stopped and gazed at me, waiting for an answer. 

"It was brief. She just wanted to affirm that I did go to Brown and the other private issues with my education. I don't blame her hesitation in believing this, but I had been surprised to receive from my alum, asking about why someone was looking into my background," Piper frowned at this as she returned her attention towards her car. 

"Can your school tell you that someone had checked on your background like that?" 

"Usually, they don't. But, unfortunately, she ended up getting into contact with one of the alums I'm good friends with, so he called me and told me what had happened." I replied as we finally made it to Piper's car. I placed the boxes on top of the boxes that Piper had been carrying with a small sigh. A sigh escaped Piper's lips as she reached into her purse and pulled out the car keys, and unlocked the car, though neither of us moved to place the boxes in the car. We fell into a comfortable silence, only for it to be ruined when Piper pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. 

"I thought you stopped smoking those?" 

"No. There was just an agreement that I would cut down. So this is my second one this week, which is a lot better compared to what I was smoking four months ago." Piper spoke as she reached down and picked up a single box, then opened the back door of her red car and placed the box in the back seat. I followed after her, and after a short time, all of the boxes were in the back seat. Holding back a yawn, I stretched my body, allowing the muscles in my back to stretch, then relax. 

"That's gotta be hard on Juno. She's been nasty over the phone lately," I spoke, watching as Piper side-eyed me, a small grin on her lips as she exhaled the smoke. She shrugged her shoulders as she turned her body to face me, her arms somewhat crossed. Her eyes lingered over me before they shifted behind me, then back towards me. A frown tugged at my features from this as she did this again. Had she been trying to tell me something? But then, turning around, I had been surprised when arms had wrapped around me, embracing me into a deep hug. The warmth of their body hit me hard as his cologne began to smother me. 

"Blake, I can't breath," Blake immediately removed himself from me and placed his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to hold eye contact with him. His brown eyes had a look of excitement in them as he pulled me into a hug one more time. Giving out a sigh, I reached out and hugged my brother before pulling away from him for good. 

"It's so great to see you again, Belle. How have you been?" Blake had asked, keeping his attention on me. 

"That's a loaded question," I paused, knowing he meant outside of the usual response that you would get from asking such a question, "What did you want to know?" Blake went to open his mouth, but a cellphone went off, pulling our attention away from each other. I reached into my pocket and pulled my cellphone out to see that it had been the office. I held my hand up towards Blake, telling him this wouldn't take long, and answered it. But, to my surprise, it had been Juno on the other end of the call. Why has she used my office phone? 

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