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I was in an alternate dimension, locked in a cage that was hanging from what seemed like nothing. But, I wasn't really me. I was someone else, but still me. I was floating in a cage through space. I was wearing torn up clothes and had cuts and bruises over my entire body. I was starving. A man appeared through a white portal. He had slicked back black hair, a groomed black beard, and was wearing a formal black suit with a bright red tie. He walked into the 'room', as if space had floors, and right up to my cage. He looked in, observing me as if I was an animal in a zoo. I was terrified. I scooted as far away from him as I could, pushing my body against the bars of the cage as hard as possible. He laughed to himself and snapped his fingers. Suddenly I was out of the cage, held in place by a cuff around my ankle that was attached to a chain. I fell to my knees, praying that I would be saved. He kicked me. 

"There is no God here, idiot." I curled into a ball, holding my stomach to dull the pain. 

"My God is everywhere," I said in defiance. 

"Really," he glared as he spoke, "then why would he allow you to go through this?" He snapped again and the 'room' went up in flames. It surrounded me, scorching my skin as it burned. He stopped the flames, admiring the work they had done on my body. I had burns and soot covering me from head to toe. I was just lying there, crying. He laughed again, and all I wanted was to run, to hide, to find my way out. I stood tall, refusing to allow him the satisfaction of watching me crumble. It hurt like hell, but I didn't care. I was stronger than him. He looked at me astonished. He walked up to me menacingly, ever so slowly creeping up to my position. He grabbed my chin and lifted my head up to his. 

"My darling, I will break you," he said, grinning through his teeth. He threw me down, snapped his fingers, and I was back in my cage. A throne of fire appeared and he sat like a king several feet in front of me. 

He drank as he watched me praying.


I was an observer of a story, almost like a movie. A young girl was dancing in her living room when she was told she had been betrothed to a handsome prince. Her father had promised her to a prince in exchange for gold. She was excited to be a princess. She put on her best dress and awaited his arrival. The was a knock on the door. Her father answered, called for her, and she was escorted away with no goodbyes. One of his men dropped a bag of gold at her father's footsteps. She was screaming. Her mother was crying. Her father had realized what he'd done as their chariot rode away. He held his youngest daughter tightly and promised to never let her go.

In the chariot, the man spoke to the young girl. He told her the new rules she had to follow. He told her that he did not buy her to be his wife, but to be his follower, his servant. She was crying. "Don't cry. It's weak." He put his hand on her thigh and she froze. Tears fell slowly from her eyes. She hated him. She loathed her father. They reached a kingdom; she was escorted to a room of red. He entered the room wearing a black robe and instructed her to undress. She did, afraid of what he may do if she didn't comply. He snapped his fingers; she was in a hanging cage that she could not sit down in. He sat on the bed and watched her as she prayed.

Flash Forward:

My friend was running quickly through the forest. She was wearing a veil coated in blood. Her wedding dress was torn, and her shoes were gone. The man appeared in front of her and stopped her by putting his hand up. She was frozen in her running position. 

"I can help you. All you have to do is say you will follow me." He snapped his fingers, opening a white portal. I could see my friend through the portal, and she could see me. 

"RUN. DON'T LISTEN TO HIM. RUN FAR AWAY AND DON'T LOOK BACK." I yelled to her. She stared at me, wide-eyed. "RUN!" She didn't hesitate. She ran like the wind. He tried to follow but was held back by a figure in pure white. 

"You have no power while I am here," they spoke. He glared at the figure. "I will retrieve your captive maiden. You've been warned." 

He stormed into the portal as the figure went away. 

"Prepare to meet your fate, slave." He snapped his fingers and I fell to the floor. 

I was no longer in chains. I stood and ran into the void of space as he laughed maniacally. Fire surrounded me, the room turned pitch black. The floor vanished and I fell into a pit of blackness and fire, screaming as the force of 1000s of angry souls pushed me down. I was being engulfed by the flames. Then it stopped. I hit the black floor with a thud. He slowly walked up to my mangled form and bent down to whisper in my ear. 

"Don't get in my way little girl, it won't be pretty." 

"You cannot hold me here forever. You will be defeated." He held my chin up to his face and blew smoke into my eyes that burned like acid. 

"And who's going to do that? Certainly not your God and most definitely not a weakling such as yourself. Pity, you would have made a fine bride to a man in your village. If only you weren't mine." He stood and began to walk away. 

"I will never be yours. I am his, the creators. I exist for myself and for him." He laughed and snapped his fingers. A throne appeared. 

"Come! Bow at my feet and I will set you free." I stood. 

"Never." He glared at me and threw his hand out in my direction. He pulled his hand in close and moved me to his feet. 

"Bow." I refused. 

"BOW!" I was forced to bow and he laughed at my suffering. 

"That's more like it. Come with me to the world to see how much better you have it here. Your friend would have been much happier with you and me." He snapped his fingers and we were side by side in a chariot, my hands and feet tied together; his men surrounding the chariot, in fiery grotesque forms. 

They pulled us along as we went through a portal. We appeared in my village, his men now looking like humans. We rode along as I watched my people suffering from lack of food and water; looting in markets, dead men along the street. It broke my heart. 

"I need to help them. Let me go." He laughed to himself. 

"Now why would I do such a thing as that? Silly girl, watch as your people tear each other into pieces." He grabbed my head and forced me to watch them killing one another for resources. I cried, knowing I could help them if I could only move. 

I closed my eyes and prayed to God for mercy. I prayed for the opportunity to aid my people. I prayed for salvation from this Devil's clutches. Suddenly we appeared in a pure white castle, surrounded by angels. His men spat in their direction and cowered in fear.

"So, after all these years you bring me back to the kingdom? I believe I've been banned, your majesty. You can't relieve her of my clutches if that was your plan. Her ropes are only untied by denouncing you, and accepting me." The figure in all white from before appeared. 

"Ah but you are wrong. I cannot kill you Lucifer, but I can banish you to a fate you promised my child. She will be anointed and you will rot in Hell." God spoke these words and they became truth. I was free of my restraints and the others had vanished. 

"Come, my child, sit with me and eat!" I walked up to him calmly. 

"My lord I wish I could stomach it, but alas I cannot. My people are hungry, tired, and full of hate. I need to help them find peace. I need to help them find love. I need to help them find you." God sighed, putting his glass of wine down. 

"I understand. Take this sword to your village and plunge it into the earth. A vast river will flow for your people to drink. Take these seeds to your village, and plant them on the river bank. A large garden will grow for your people to eat. Take this necklace as a symbol for your people. Wear it around your neck and peace will prosper. Tell them I have seen your courage and your strength and they will find me. Go, lead them to righteousness. I will not forget you when your time has come, my child. Do not forget me."

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