Rape (trigger warning)

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I sat at the table amongst friends in a large dining hall. We were in a society of sorts and it was my turn to make dinner for everyone. I made a very fancy meal and recruited my friends to help set up the dining hall for the others. We sat and enjoyed our meal when an announcer came on the speakers.

"Everyone please give a hand for Chelsea! She made this wonderful meal for us tonight. Please, Chelsea, join me at the podium!" I stood and joined the man across the room. We joked about things and talked about some of my history, the usual for the chefs, and then he asked me to describe my recipe. The pianist started a series of chords and I began. 30 seconds passed before the audience cheered and I walked back to my seat. On my walk back I locked eyes with a large, black man who smiled warmly at me; I smiled back. We finish dinner and I stay after with a few friends to clean up. I was the last to leave. As I'm walking out of the building the man from earlier says hello.

"Oh! I didn't know you stayed," I said cautiously.

"I wanted to introduce myself." He shook my hand and kissed it. I was very uncomfortable.

"It was nice to meet you. I'll see you around?" I tried to walk away but he held my wrist in place. I struggled to get away but he was stronger than me.

Everything was dark.

"I thought we could...talk. Maybe get to know each other?" He came in close to my body and stuck his hand down to my ass. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't speak. I continued to try and get out of his grasp, but the next thing I knew I was on the floor and he was on top of me. He continued on for what felt like hours and all the while I just stared at the small Doctor Who figurine on my keys across the floor; praying it would end soon.

A couple of weeks later I find myself walking in the parking lot to my car, followed by my best friend, Eve. There was another vehicle beside my car that blocked the door, and I recognized the driver as an acquaintance from The Society. He rolled down his passenger window and asked if we wanted to join him and his friends, and we said yes. We climbed into his truck and we were off. We arrived at his friend's place and hung out for a while, having a fantastic time. Then the man walks in. My face went blank and I stood to leave, Eve wondering what was happening. We locked eyes and he winked at me. I took Eve by the hand and we left the house. I stood outside and told her everything, nearly in tears. She wanted to go confront him, but I couldn't. Suddenly they all walked out and surrounded us, laughing at my tears. I didn't understand what was happening.

Fast forward a couple more weeks. I am driving with Eve in the passenger seat, and I receive a text. At a stop light, I check it; it was an Instagram notification of DMs. It's a picture of me from that night sent by him to almost everyone we knew. I turned around and raced to The Society. I spotted him and his friends hanging around outside and pulled up as close as I could. Eve was yelling the entire time for me to get back in the car. I storm right up to him and punch him right the face.

I hear a shot.

I fall.

Everything is dark.

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