Daniel and Lillith (1)

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(Okay, so the dreams with Daniel and Lillith are VERY graphic and VERY sinister. If you're squeamish to reading about blood or can be triggered by self-harm and suicide then please skip these dreams. There are 3 reoccurring dreams of them that I've had since middle school.)

I was sitting on my bed upstairs making some sort of birdhouse, trying to pass the time until the rest of the family arrived. My room was dim and was decorated in muted colors. I had a twin bed in the left corner of my room where I slept, and another one directly across from me for guests. There was a large armoire at the foot of the 2nd bed that reminded me of the wardrobe from Narnia. There were also matching nightstands next to each bed with a small lamp and alarm clock on each one. 

The entire family was coming to town for my brother Danny's wedding. He was getting married to a woman we had never met. His son, Danger, was not happy about it. I could hear him downstairs mid-tantrum while I worked. My mom called for me and I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. She asked me to take Danger on a walk around the block, so I did. We exited the old creeky house and made our way down the street to the corner store. He was antsy and running around the whole time. At the corner store, we got some candies and I picked up a newspaper. The headline read "Local Boy is a Helping Hand". I began to read the article as I let Danger play the Pac Man game, and as I did I heard a cough from behind the paper. I lowered the paper to see the boy from the article staring at me.

"Hi miss, mind if I squeeze behind ya? I need to get one of those papers," he asked kindly. I nodded and moved aside. For some reason he made me feel weary. "My name's Daniel...and yours?" he asked.

"Chelsea," I went back to reading some other article.

"Well Chelsea, it's nice to meet you. Hope to see ya around some time," he said before winking and me and going to the counter to pay. I felt off so I grabbed Danger and we went back home. About halfway down the block, I dropped some coins so I went to pick it up, and when I did I saw Daniel chasing after us. I was terrified and started speed walking home when suddenly he appeared in front of me. I screamed.

"You forgot your phone hun," he said with a smile while holding my phone out for me. I took it carefully before putting it in my pocket. "I hope you don't mind but I added your number, I was hoping we could be friends! I'm pretty new around here." I felt bad for judging him and invited him to walk with us.

Eventually, we got home and I invited him inside. I wanted to show hi my birdhouse. By now the whole family was there and I had to maneuver him through the house and up the stairs before they could stop me. Once in my bedroom, he began to stare at the wardrobe.

"It's pretty, it reminds me of the one I had back home," he said sadly. "We haven't been home in a long time."

"We?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry no. I meant...I haven't been home in a long time." He sat on my bed and I showed him my birdhouse. The dark colors I painted it turned vibrant when he touched it. I was amazed. He told me stories of his magical adventures and how he's traveled the world. We talked for what seemed like hours until my bedroom door suddenly slammed shut. I jumped but as soon and I saw his eyes turn black I froze.

"She's here," he said excitedly. As he did a black cloud flooded in through my vents and encompassed most of the room. I heard him laughing like a lunatic the entire time. I tried to run; to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. 

The black cloud soon touched me, and I was immediately in a trance. I heard whoever the black cloud was inside my head, telling me to enter the wardrobe. When I opened the door of the wardrobe the two lamps blew out. It was dark as I stepped inside and shut the door. I found a rope in the corner and tied it the way she wanted me to; around my neck and over this rack. I stood on some kind of stool and waited till she pushed me off. Then everything was silent, and everything was black.

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