Chapter 1

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Narrator POV

     Her delicate little hands covered her face, soaked in tears as she sobbed for hours.

     Marinette had been nothing but good, and in return, her parents were in an accident, and now she has to live with a distant relative she knows nothing about.

     She has been waiting for a phone call from the hospital to be informed whether her parents are alive or not.

     A ring of the phone almost faint, for it was drowned in her cries. She noticed on the second ring, and rushed to the phone. She picked it up roughly and answered,

     "Hello? Is this the hospital? Are my parents alright?" Her voice was noticeably trembling.

     "I am sorry Mrs. Dupain-Cheing, but, your parents did not make it. With the amount of blood loss an-". The other line was cut off.

     Marinette had hung up, not able to listen to the caller. It was like her heart had fallen to pieces, scattered across the floor in clear vision but she couldn't seem to pick them up.

Marinette POV

     Why? Why did this have to happen? What if... they went suicide?! Because I am the most unwanted child. Nobody could ever love me..

     I sat their in agony, not able to cry, my tears had run down my face just moments ago, but now it is dry.

     I heard a huge knock like bang. I slowly got up from my sitting position and walked over to see who it was. As I opened the door, the man was unrecognizable. He pushed me as if roughly and walked inside.

     "Marinoot is it? Well I will be stay in here to take care of you just because your parents decided they just had to die. I'm hungry, make me some dinner now." He said in an assertive tone.

     "Actually, it's Marinette, but-" I was thrown across the room and slammed against the wall. A deep pain shot through my spine as I slid down the wall. His eyes glared deep into me and he stated,

     "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE?! NO! SO SHUT UP AND MAKE ME SOME DINNER! " he shouted. I looked up at him, fear filled my eyes and I nodded, heading straight for the kitchen.

     I asked him, almost whispering, "What is your name?"

     "Did I say you could talk to me? No. Call me Master. If not, then you can enjoy sleeping outside for the wolf's to eat you. Now. Make. Me. Dinner." His voice was clearly raising bit by bit every word he spoke, so I went back to cooking.
Marinette POV

     I ran out from my house, my body covered in bruises from "Master" beating me up. My face had a long cut stretched from my for head down to my cheekbone from when he threw a knife at me, and I dodged most of it.

     I walked to school alone, a fake selling smile plastered on my face. I skipped to make my acts even more convincing.

     I could see Alya running up to me from the corner of my eye, so I stopped to talk to her.

     "Hey Alya~! How have you been? My girl! My best friend!" Now I may have been able to put on an act of looks, but talking was not my specialty.

     Alya eyed me suspiciously,

     "Spill it. What is going on? I know you, so don't try to hide it." She said, demanding. My bright smile turned into a face that had almost life. Sad, depressed, any word you could come up with.

     Her eyes widened from the sudden change. She had never seen me like this before, so I'm not surprised.

     Tears started streaming down my face, slowly, but surely.

     "I...I, there gone. It's all my fault. Th-there gone Alya!" My voice cracked and I hugged Alya as tight as I could. She was the inly one there for me. She pulled me back and placed her hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes,

     "Girl, what's wrong? Your acting like your parents just died or something." Alya said in a concerned voice. Soo on, without even realizing it. A pang of sadness hit my chest.

     "Yup. You got that right. They are definitely gone, dead to be exact." I said. My words sounded empty, and I couldn't looked her in the eyes.

     I know she could tell this wasn't any joke. She pulled me into a comforting hug, but I knew that it wasn't going to fix anything.

     We walked to class together, and we arrived the a certain blonde, standing there waiting for me. Chloe.

     "Hi MariTrash! How've you been? Not that I care about you, you waste of space!" She laughed with her friends and went to sit down. I headed to my seat without a word, and was tripped by her fragile feet.

     I ignored it and sat down. Nino and Adrien mourned there heads to Alya and I. She was about to cuss Chloe out when I stopped her. All of them had concerned looks on there faces.

     Amy took my shoulders in her arms and whispered in my ear,

     "Everything's gonna be alright, Mari." But I knew it wasn't. That she was just saying that to comfort me. For son e reason I had a mood swing and said rudely,

     "Don't say things you don't know Alya. Who knows, I could die soon." Alya looked and me and gasped. I could tell she was hurt by what I said.

     "I'm sorry. I seem to be at fault for everyone's misery lately." I chuckled and sighed.

     "Hey, are you alright?" Adrien said out of nowhere. I looked up and him and sent him a sincere smile, complete sadness behind it,

     "Fine. Don't worry about me. You'll only get hurt." I said. It was true. Everyone got hurt because of me. Maybe it'd be better if.... I didn't exist, or I would just....

My first chapter of miraculous ladybug fanfictions! This might get a lot of critics because Marinette is amazing and does NOT deserve this treatment, but I just had to write it. IM SORRY!!!!


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