One month early (Patrick Stump x Reader)

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"Patrick!" You called out to your husband, sighing quietly.

You groaned, looking up the stairs, seeing and imagining the great difficulty you had to go through.

And with much difficulty, you walk up the stairs, your round belly weighting you down.

Arriving at you two's shared bedroom, you arched your back, feeling satisfied.

You were on the frame of the bedroom door, you panted slightly, standing up straight.

Your husband was busily looking around your guys' bedroom, mumbling words such as, 'toothbrush, check...' and 'why did i bring tampons?...'

You coughed loudly for attention, his gaze from his travel bag to you. His eyes widened for a second, stepping over the bag before rushing up to you and gripping your shoulders, gazing into your (E/C) eyes.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing here?!
And how?!" He checked your body if there were injuries, frantically moving you from side to side to see.

You chuckled quietly at his concern, crossing your arms on your chest, "you, mister" you began, jabbing a finger to his chest, "should be caring about your tour than me."

He scoffed, "sorry babe, but... you're my wife. And well. My wife, is my first priority." He said, smiling.

You smiled but scoffed, "so what you're saying is, your child is not your first priority?"

He shook his head, grinning, "no, no. You both are my first priority. And I hope he will be cute."

You uncrossed your arms, looking up at him. "And what makes you think that she is a he?"

He grins at you widely, "oh, I know so."
Leaning in closer, he pecked your lips slightly.


You were seated in a booth, at a restaurant called '(name here because I'm not American)', laughing and smiling with each other. After a while, the food was served. You smiled at Patrick, who was casually eating his salad.

He looked up, seeing your (E/C) eyes gazing into him. He chuckled nervously, looking around.
"Who are you looking at?" He asked, smiling at you.

"Oh- uh, n-no one." You stuttered nervously. Gosh, he was so handsome. He was wearing a simple dress shirt and a jacket over it, his well known fedora adorned on his head.

Looking down at your food, you smiled at your lap (which was unintentionally being covered by your very big belly).

Grabbing your fork, you stabbed a carrot, lifting it up.

Before you could even taste the carrot, you felt a sharp pain in your stomach.

You could also feel moistness in your dress, eyes widening with realization.

Your husband, who was asking you if you were okay, gripping your shoulders and shaking your body.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?! What happened?!" He asked, shaking you once again.

You gripped your belly, "Patrick, I think they're coming." Grimacing, you whimpered, Patrick calling for a waiter.

"Please give us the bil! I think my wife is going into labor already!" He frantically said to the waiter, who had a horrified face. Nodding, the boy rushed away.

"Breathe, babe. Breathe." With his soothing voice, you whimpered once again.

This baby wanted to get out as soon as they could.

And you were ready.

Emo Quartet Imagines (FOB, P!ATD, MCR, TØP)ヽ('▽`)/Where stories live. Discover now