Happy Ieroween! (Frank Iero)

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"Hey, Frank." Frank Iero, who was sitting on the balcony on a small bench in Gerard's house, that was booming Halloween and rock music. 

He looks up, seeing Y/N, one of his best friends and the girl he has been crushing on for years. 

She was in a Helena costume, her H/C hair in a bun and she was covered in white body paint.

"Woah, Y/N. You look good." She smiles warmly at him, curtseying.

"Why, thank you Frank."

She sits next to him, staring at the stars and the moon. 

"So what's the catch?"

Frank hums,  "whaddya mean?" He looks at her as she smiles softly to herself.

She giggles,  "you're outside, and the party is inside, ya goof." She looks up at him and he laughs. 

"They don't need me to have fun." He swats the air as a gesture,  laughing as she giggled.

After a moment of silence,  Y/N looks up at the stars, "do you know that feeling where you're in love, but you don't know who loves the one you love and that maybe someday,  they'll love each other eventually?"

Frank scoffs, "no,  yeah. I entirely relate." 
Y/N breathes out a sigh. "If you do, then you wouldn't be mad if I did this."

Frank felt a pair of lips on his and he felt bliss.
They parted from each other, Y/n leaning to his ear and whispering, "happy birthday, iero."


hey demons,  it's ya boi™

Advanced happy Halloween lol I wanted to make a Frank one as soon as possible.

Srry its so short.  Kinda like Frank lol.

(⌒▽⌒)xoxofrankie (⌒▽⌒)

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