Yzma? From Emperor's New Groove? (Brendon Urie)

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Sighing contently, you opened your eyes, seeing the calendar in front of you.


Today marks May 12, the day before the mother-daughter dessert-making contest, in which you had to participate.

Today, you had to make the dessert, tomorrow, you had to present it.

Kayla was ecstatic when she heard about it in September.

Well, you never thought of a dessert, yet you had preferences.

"Morning, beautiful."

You felt your husband of almost ten years kissed from your shoulder to your neck, smiling widely.

You groaned loudly, lifting the sheets up to your eyes.

"Hey, why he sad tone of the groan?" Brendon asked, adding a small, "hey that rhymed."

He lifted his body with his elbows, the sheets lifting up with him.

"Today is where I make the dessert where I'm supposed to 'wow' the mom-judges of the PTA."

He laughed, "well you sure wowed me with your dessert last night."

Hitting his chest, you looked up at him with a glare, "shut up, you wanted something new, I gave you new."

"Yeah, topping me was new, shit I would actually make you the dom of this bedroom."

You laughed, "shut. up."


"Morning, Russ, Morning Kayls." You heard Brendon greeting the twins, hearing a loud 'dad!'

"so, mom, what are we gonna make for the contest?"

You thought for a second, "how about some dessert recipes from your grandma and grandpa, huh?"

Kayla's eyes twinkled, "Ooooooooooo! Those are gonna be delicious!"

You laughed, adjusting the collar of Brendon's polo shirt, "c'mon, let's go get the book."

Kayla adjusted her thick rimmed glasses, nodding enthusiastically.

Walking towards the many cook books you have, yet you never use, you opened up the worn leather book with handwritten recipes, you turned to the page where your favorite dessert was.

"Yz--ma? From Emperor's New Groove?" Kayla asked, looking at the cook book in your hands.

She stood on her toes, looking at the name.

You laughed, "no, honey. It's 'Yema'.

"Ohh, where is that from?"

"Hmm, Philippines. Your grandpa and grandma wanted to know delicacies from other countries and they made this book."

"Oooooo! So there are other desserts here?"

You looked at her, "yeah, but most of them are from Asia considering I'm Filipino."

"Woah! You are?"

Laughing, you nod, "yes, hun. I'm exotic. So when I saw the snow, I made sure I was outside for hours. "

"So, what do we need to make this... 'Yema'?"

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