Remember Me? (Part 2) (Patrick Stump)

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"So, Patrick."

Looking up, Patrick saw Pete walking towards him with a sheepish look on his face.

"What did you do again, Pete?" groaned Patrick, putting down his phone.

"I didn't do anything, you did something you hid from the three of us since the start of Fall Out Boy."

Patrick was still confused, "I never hid anything, what are you talking about-"

"You never told me you had a wife!"

Patrick groaned, "What? No, Pete-" he rubbed his temples, looking annoyed.

"So, when did you two get married?" Pete asked, sitting down in front of him.

"Pete, she's my long lost sister!"

Pete stopped rambling when he heard the word sister.


"What's happening here?" Pete and Patrick looked up, seeing Andy look down at them with a suspecting look.

"Patrickhasalonglostsisterthathenevertoldusabout." Pete said quickly, running away, leaving Andy and--


Guess that's Joe.

Andy rolled his eyes, turning to Patrick seriously.
"You have a long lost sister?!"

Patrick scratched his head, his fedora lifting up a little, "technically she's long and yeah, she left for college. I had an accident which made me forget her and she didn't care."

Joe's jaw dropped, before he took a bite of his sandwich that he was eating.

"So, how old is she?" Joe asked after he bit off, mouth full of the burger.

"I don't know, she's 28 or something. I don't remember, remember?" Patrick snapped, sighing afterwards.

"Sorry for that outburst guys. It's just," he trailed off, looking into space.

"She's a sensitive topic. It's been, I don't know 11 years since I last saw, hell, remembered her."

Andy and Joe looked at each other, sympathy on their faces.

Andy tilted his head slightly towards the door, which Joe took as a signal.

"Hey, Bud."

Patrick looked up, sadness evident in hjs eyes.

"You'll get through this." Joe gave him a small pat on his shoulder, to which Patrick gave a small smile.

Joe returned the small smile, walking towards the tour bus's door, he opened it, seeing Pete waiting there slightly concerned.

"So... what happened?" He asked eagerly, clapping his hands together.

Andy came out next, standing at the first step before sighing.

"They haven't seen each other for 11 years, Pete. 11 years!"

Heaving a sigh, "it's our duty to make Pattycakes happy when he's sad, right?"

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