Tomorrow there'll be more of us (Frerard)

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Pairings; Frerard/Gerard and Frank, Lindsey and Gerard

so i had this prompt last night and i hadto make this.

Warning/s; Happens in about WWII, Estimated 1940's. Japan-American War about the Philippines. Frerard. Death. thE FEELS


"I may not live to see our glory,"

Gerard Way sits on a small wooden chair in front of a worn-out desk.

And listens.

He listens to the crickets, the light snoring of his wife.

He sniffles, thinking of the moments that happened before this.


He sits in front of the wooden crib, smiling as the eleven month old baby open her eyes and smile a toothless smile. "Hi, Bandit." he softly whispers, picking her up.

She giggles, looking up at her father.

He smiles, walking up to the rocking chair they had bought a few weeks ago.

She reaches up to touch his nose as he smiles, cooing at the small baby. "You will come of age with our young nation," he sings softly, "we'll bleed and fight for you, we'll make it right for you, and you'll blow us all away."

She listens and looks up at her father, curious with the new sound she heard.

As he continues to sing the song, Bandit yawns softly, turning over to her father's chest and closing her eyes.

Gerard smiles, looking at her sleeping form, still rocking the chair and reminiscing the past.

"Gerard," he looks up, seeing his wife. A letter in hand, she says, "There's a letter for you, from Hawaii."

"But I will gladly join the fight,"

Gerard chuckles, "It's from Frank, I'll read it later."

And he continues to stare at the sleeping baby. He stands up and puts her in the crib, smiling.

"And when our children tell our story,"

"No, it's not." Lindsey argues, clutching the letter in hand.

Gerard looks afraid for a moment, gripping the crib, "Will you read it?"

"They'll tell the story of... tonight,"

Lindsey nods, opening the worn letter, "On Tuesday, the 27th, Lieutenant Colonel Frank Anthony Iero Jr. was killed by a bomb in Pearl Harbor."

Gerard looks up, tears pricking in his eyes.

"He is buried here until his family comes for his remains."

"As you know, he has been recruiting the first all-Filipino military regiment in America."

Gerard turns around, staring at the woman in front of him.

"The surviving members of this regiment were sent home immediately."

He suddenly feels a presence behind him. He turns around, staring at a memory all-too-familiar.

"Tomorrow there'll be more of us~"

Frank smiles at him, a genuine and worn out smile.

Blood was suddenly flowing from his mouth, a gunshot wound in his chest and blood was flowing too.

Gerard looks at his attire. His old military uniform, and as he reaches out to his friend. "Gerard, are you alright?"

He snaps out of the memory, now he was turned away from the crib.

Lindsey was behind him, trying to comfort him.

He pulls away, walking towards the doorway, and he mutters, " I have so much work to do."

Gerard still sits, staring at the failed attempt of a drawing he tried to make.

He stares at the desk, and he suddenly slams his hand on it.

The books fall down, the pens and pencils, and a small piece of paper falls off in between two books.

He stares at the piece of paper, and it has Frank's handwriting on it.

"Dearest Gerard,
Yes, I know I'm supposed to be worrying about the war, but I've got nobody to worry with."

He reads out loud, cupping his mouth,

"Congratulations on your daughter, Mr. Way. How's the Missus?" Gerard slightly laughs, tears still flowing from his eyes.

"Either way, when you get this letter, I'll probably be dead, because you never slam on the desk unless you're crying... or... you cleaned your desk, but that'll never happen. You like things messy."

"But, I just want to say this one last time. I love you, Gerard Arthur Way. More than a friend or a brother, yes."

"If I ever told you that I loved you, that was real, but that was probably when we were drunk."

"I hope she satisfies you, but I know you will never be satisfied, I will never be satisfied..."

Gerard was full on sobbing and almost yelling, and he slams his hand once more.

He continues to read the letter through tears.

"For the last time, Gerard Arthur Way. I love you, more than a friend.
Always have,
Always will."

For the last time, Gerard Way weeps.

A year later, Mr. and Mrs. Way found themselves proud, once again.

A baby boy.

Their baby boy.

"Anthony James Way."

Lindsey looks up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Really?"

Gerard laughs, "yes, really. They're both special to me."

Lindsey shakes her head, writing 'Anthony James Way' on the birth certificate and she smiles.

From above, two soldiers look down on earth, big smiles etched on faces as the family swells with pride.

Frank smiles down, and whispers,

"They'll tell the story of tonight."

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