Remember Me? (Part 3) (Patrick Stump)

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Turning around, you saw Kiara walking towards you, left hand out, kind of like a high five.

You shook your head and chuckled.

High-fiving her quickly, you giggled with her, draping an arm over her shoulder considering she was shorter.

"There's an afterparty after our concert, you coming?"

You shook your head, "nah, Josh and I are going to stay at their tour bus. Parties are overrated."

She giggled, "you makin' some babies?"

Jokingly pushing her, "even if we did, we wouldn't have time for them."

Kiara scoffed, "don't lie. You're gonna be a great mom."

"Hey guys!"

Turning around, you saw Jen running up to you two, "guys, we're up next."

Nodding towards Kiara, who nods back, you three walk towards the stage.


With adrenaline rushing through your veins, you breathily laughed out.

Taking a towel and putting it over your head then turning to the other three, who were laughing.

"Hey, guys!" They all turned to you, humming.

"I'm gonna go to the bus, you guys can go to the afterparty, see ya."

You walk towards the tour buses, before hearing, "use a condom!"

Chuckling, you shook your head, opening the tour bus door. Putting on a simple black tank top, you drink a bottle of water, walking towards the twenty one pilots tour bus.

"Hey, Y/N!" You look up from your phone, seeing Tyler smiling at you cheekily.

"Welp, I'll be seeing you two, later. Imma go to the afterparty." He smiled at Josh, waving, then leaving.

Seeing Josh smile at you sheepishly, you saw a little admiration in his eyes.

"Come on, let's watch Star Trek." He called, patting the spot next to him, arms out.

You rolled your (E/C) eyes, putting your phone in your pocket, then diving in for the couch.


Patrick sighed from the corner of his mouth, looking around to do something in the tour bus.

'Josh or Tyler's probably in their tour bus,'
He thought, 'Ah, you know what. I'm gonna go there.'

He grabbed his fedora, inhaling then walking up to the door.

He didn't want to go to the afterparty. There might be hookers, and maybe tomorrow morning he'll see one.

Knocking on twenty one pilots' tour bus door, he waited a few seconds before seeing a girl with (H/C) hair, a few tattoos, and piercing greenish-blue eyes.

"Oh, um, hi."

She turned to Josh, who was holding a TV remote. "Josh! Somebody's at the door."

She gave a small smile at Patrick, turning away and walking towards the tour bus bathroom.

"Oh, hey, Patrick. What are you doing here?" Josh asked, "aren't you supposed to be at the afterparty?"

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