Chapter 1

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I leaned against the fence that separated me from the baseball field and watched as two teams playing against each other.

A boy, around the age of eighteen, walked towards the batter's square. His bat was swung over his shoulders as he looked for someone, someone that wasn't me. A smile appeared on his lips as he made eye contact with his girlfriend, a female that was the age of us and looked rather bored.

Jealousy twinged my gut as I saw a small thing past between the couple. I couldn't help it, because I was in love with this guy. However, he didn't love me back, the way that I loved him. I shook my head and huffed before looking towards the field to see that the pitcher was ready.

"Turn back to the field, Damion," I whispered, gripping at the wire mesh. I gripped the mesh tighter and closed my eyes, grimacing as I saw what was to come, maybe a second, a minute, or more. All I knew that it was going to happen, but I didn't know when.

The pitcher threw the ball at Damion. Damion was watching it, concentration written on his face. A few seconds had passed, and there was this blinding light, blinding him. However, he still swung the bat, even though it wasn't time.

The ball hit him in the gut, and the bat hit him in the back of the head. The helmet didn't do anything to stop the damage from being hit. There were two cracking sounds as he fell to the ground, hurt and unconscious.

Screaming and audible gasps filled the stands as their prized player was hurt and taken to the hospital. Cries could be heard around the stand because they didn't know what would happen to him. They didn't know if he would survive or not, and that was what scared me.


I opened my eyes and started to shake as if I was cold. My breaths were coming in short gasps as I tried to get over the shock of being pulled into a... nightmare, even though I was still awake. I walked, unsteadily, to where I had been sitting and sat down, placing my feet on the bench in front of me. I took a couple of breaths, trying to stop myself from shaking and calm my racing heart.

"You can't change what's going to happen," a female said to my right. "You already know that."

I was about to reply but didn't when I turned to look at her.

She was around my age, maybe, but was very, very pale and skinny. She had pale, blue eyes that seemed to look as if she was blind. She had a head full of thick, wavy, blonde hair that almost looked like it was bleached. However, in the sunlight, it glowed a golden color. Honestly, she looked like a porcelain doll to me, and I wonder how she wasn't broken yet.

"Uh..." I got out.

She frowned a little, and her light, blonde eyebrows seemed to knit together. "Don't tell me that you think you could change it." Her voice was soft and light, like music or a child sighing as they fell asleep. However, this was a stern part that made me want to wince and submit as if she was my Elder.

"Ummm... it's not that I can stop what's going to happen. I've seen more of the future with pain," I mumbled, looking at the field. I wanted to do something about it. However, I knew that I couldn't. All I could do was bring relief to them after they had received what had happened. That was why I wanted to become a doctor. I was able to feel their pain and would be able to help out.

She grabbed my face and turned it so that I was looking at her. She held on tighter when I jerked back, clearly not caring that I didn't want to be touched. She turned my face to the sun and looked at my left eye, even though I didn't know why. There was nothing important there. "Hmmm, the Moon's more prominent, right now, than it was a few years ago."

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