Chapter 15

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"Carter," I breathed out in shock, my eyes widening in surprise and my mouth becoming wider. I grabbed the bow tighter in my hand and watched horrified while he did what he did to my Familiar, not knowing how a "gentle" giant could turn evil in a span of a week without seeing him.

"Syn?" Zën asked, keeping his gaze on the male in front of us. "So, do you know him or not?"

"I know him," I replied solemnly. "I have no idea why he is acting like this, so bring me closer." I rolled my eyes when I felt him hesitate. "Do it, Zën. We have to get Kala away from him and see why he is acting like this. He shouldn't be acting like this."

He shouldn't be this huge. Why was he this huge? How was he this huge?

Zën huffed but did what I said. He let out a startled squawk when Carter turned his gaze to us and threw Kala at us. He twisted around and caught Kala, pushing his wings harder to make sure that both of us stayed steady and was still in the air. "I can't believe that he did that," Zën grumbled and dodged Carter when he went to grab the griffin.

"Well, I don't think he is in control," I noted, noticing his foaming mouth and hard black eyes that appeared as if he didn't have a soul. I fiddled with my bow, trying to come up with some plan that would rescue not only the male that I knew but wouldn't get us killed. "Put Kala on the ground somewhere safe, and then bring us closer to him after we are done with her."

"Are you crazy?" Zën snapped. He squawked in protest and dodged an attack that Carter tried to do to us. He didn't turn his head towards me, but I had a feeling he wanted to so that I could see his glare. "Do you really want to be doing this? He could kill you, and it would not just be you. It'll be me as well, and I do not want to die."

I rolled my eyes and held on while he dodged another attack, grateful that I had practiced holding onto him in a calmer situation. "Zën, we have to figure out why he is acting like this. We can't just let him go around like this, not in control of his own body or mind. What if he starts killing innocent people, huh? What then?"

Zën scowled and narrowed his eyes. "Fine," he said, giving in. "But if we die, then I blame you." He turned around and flew fast in a different direction than where Carter stood. He kept grumbling about how I was stupid for risking not only my neck but his as well for a man that was evil and didn't deserve the chance to live again.

"You know that I can hear you, right?" I asked, interrupting his monologue while he placed Kala gently on the ground. I looked my Familiar over and saw that she was alive but barely, and she was in dire need of assistance, assistance that I wouldn't be able to provide until after Carter was taken care of.

"Yes, I know," Zën replied. "It's why I am keeping the link between us open." He studied my Familiar and hummed. "I can heal her a bit, at least make sure that she doesn't die while we deal with the problem if you want me to," he said.

"Do it," I replied. "But do it quickly. We need to make sure that he doesn't do anything else."

Zën nodded his head and healed Kala enough that she wouldn't die. He was about to take off again when he was stopped by saying, 'wait.' He huffed and turned in her direction again, and I looked to see that she was staring at me with deep green eyes.

"Be careful," she said, lifting her head and studying me. "Remember your training and whatever else you had been taught before you had to do what I told you to do."

I set my jaw and nodded my head. I had no idea what I would do, but I knew that I had to do something. I had to do something to protect the people I didn't know much about and the world that I was now apart of.

"I believe in you, Syn," Kala said, pulling me from my thoughts. "Believe in yourself, and you will be able to do whatever you want to do. Do you understand?"

Again, I nodded, staying silent.

Kala nodded and looked at Zën. She bared her teeth and narrowed her eyes while she laid her ears back. She growled, and I had a feeling that Zën rolled his eyes. "If there is a single scratch on her, then I will kill you, Zën. Do you understand?"

Again, Zën rolled his eyes. "Ya, whatever," he said. "It's good to see that you are alive, Trash Licker."

"Trash licker?!" she exclaimed with a growl. She tried to stand but fell back onto the ground. "What do you mean by that? Get back here, Zën! Tell me what you mean by "Trash Licker," and you will not get hurt."

Zën laughed while he turned away and started to get ready to fly away. "You know what I mean," he replied. "You are a smart feline, so figure it out." He barked out, laughing when Kala started to cuss him out and flew away from her.

I rolled my eyes when he flew away into the sky but didn't respond. I had no idea why they kept fighting with each other, but I didn't care.

Right now, my main concern was Carter, and I had to do everything in my power to make sure that he was safe.

I just hoped it would be easy to figure out...

I didn't need him killing anyone, and I didn't need to kill him, myself.

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