Chapter 30

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That was the only thing that I felt when he said that, and I couldn't help but feel and become speechless.

"I was, and still am, afraid of the changes that it would bring..."

I blinked and blinked again while I waited for him to elaborate, praying that he would tell me why he was scared because I couldn't help but feel the same way, too.

I was scared of the future and the changes that it would bring just as much as him...

Zën sighed and shook his head before he flicked his tail and wings, not saying another word.

I bit back an annoyed sigh before I shook my head and shifted on my butt. "Can you explain?" I asked and raised an eyebrow in question while I stared at him. "Please? Why are you afraid of the changes that being my companion brings?"

Zën hesitated before he lowered his head and flicked his tail. "I don't know," Zën said and shook his head, honestly. "I am scared. I do not know why I am scared, but I am scared."

I bit back a small snort before I slowly nodded, pursing my lips in annoyance. "I am too," I said, biting back a small sigh. I moved a hand through my hair and across my face before I shook my head and cleared my throat.

Zën looked at me and cocked his head, slowly blinking before he flicked his tail some more. "You're scared?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question, and I scoffed a laugh while I rolled my eyes and scowled. "Why are you scared?"

I gave him a deadpanned look and slowly blinked, unimpressed. "I don't know, maybe because my life is changing, too?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in question. "I mean, I am supposed to be this princess with magical powers, but all I can do is see pain, and even then, I am not that good with it."

I shrugged and grimaced before I cleared my throat and shook my head, biting back a small sigh. "I'm not sure that I will be able to do what I need to do, and... ya." I shrugged again, and my grimace grew deeper.

Zën nuzzled my arm, biting back a small sigh, and I closed my eyes and rubbed a hand across his beak. "You will be able to do anything that you put your mind to," he said softly. "Don't think like that."

I gave him a pointed and raised both eyebrows while I looked at him, hoping that he would make the connection between him and I since we both were nervous about the future and didn't know if we were going to be able to be as good as we needed to be.

Zën blinked and blinked again while he looked at me before he placed his head on his paws. "Hmph," he said and flicked his tail in annoyance. "Is that look on your face for me?" he asked and raised an eyebrow, and I nodded in confirmation. "Why?"

"Because I want you to think about what you told me," I replied. "You are also feeling as if you are not good enough to be my companion or to be connected to me. Shouldn't you listen to your own advice?"

Zën paused and cocked his head while he thought about what I said while he closed his eyes and rested his head on his paws again. "Hmph." He closed his eyes and flicked his tail, and I rolled my eyes and scowled. He didn't say a word, and I could tell that he was thinking about something that he didn't want me to know.

I bit back an annoyed sigh and shook my head before I cleared my throat and shifted on my butt. I closed my eyes and waited for him to say something or anything else while he kept thinking about something that he didn't allow me to hear.

Zën nuzzled my leg, and I opened my eyes and looked at him again. He slowly blinked and cocked his head while he studied me.

He sighed and slowly nodded while he flicked his tail, up and down, up and down in a rhythmic motion. "I think I understand," he said softly, and I raised an eyebrow in question. "I am feeling the same way you are feeling, and my advice is something that I should listen to myself and follow it as well."

I bit back a small snort and slowly nodded. "Exactly," I said before I cleared my throat and shifted on my butt, growing serious. "Are you going to listen to your advice, or..?" I raised an eyebrow in question, and he shrugged and grimaced.

"I don't know," he admitted, and I bit back another annoyed snort while I rolled my eyes and scowled. "I wish I had the confidence to follow the advice I gave you, but I don't."

I pursed my lips in annoyance and rolled my eyes before I closed my eyes. "I don't hate that confidence either," I admitted, biting back another sigh.

I couldn't help but let out the sigh while I shook my head and cleared my throat. "But I have to try," I said, biting the inside of my lip.

I fiddled with my bracelet again and cleared my throat, my mind turning back to the bracelet and how I broke it to fix the bond between us. "How did this work?" I asked, changing the subject while I opened my eyes and looked at him.

Zen cocked his head while he stared at me. "What worked?" Zën asked and raised an eyebrow in question. "What's going through your mind, Syn?"

I bit back an annoyed mind before I shook my head and cleared my throat again. "Well, why did me breaking this bracelet let me hear you again?" I asked. "Or do you even know?"

Zën shrugged and closed his eyes a little while he flicked his tail. "I don't know," he admitted and laid his head on his claws. "I have two theories as to why it worked, but I want to think about them some more first before I tell you."

I bit back an annoyed sigh and rolled my eyes while I set my jaw. "Mmmhmm," I said, not believing him.

Zën scoffed and rolled his eyes while he scowled. "Well, do you have any theories then, Syn?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question while he opened one eye and stared at me. "I mean, you are smart, and I want to say that you are smarter than me."

I scoffed a laugh. "Very funny, Zën," I said and rolled my eyes before I pursed my lips in annoyance. "I am human while you are some mythical creature, and I am sure that you have more years on you than me."

"I do," Zën confirmed and nodded. "I am a lot older than you, but age doesn't give you wisdom."

"But it does give you experiences," I said and opened my eyes while I looked at him to see that he was looking at me, as well. "And experiences do give you wisdom and knowledge more than those who have not been through it."

"Hmmm." Zën closed his eyes again and flicked his tail up and down before he bit back a small sigh. "What about you come up with a few theories as well and we can tell each other later?" he asked and opened his eyes again, raising an eyebrow in question while he looked at me.

I set my jaw and weighed the pros and cons before I slowly nodded, relenting to his suggestions. "Ok," I said and moved a hand across the side of his cheek.

Zën sighed and flicked his tail up and down while he leaned his cheek against my hand and closed his eyes a little. "For now, do you want to go for a ride before I take you back to the cabin?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

He stood and shook out his body before he unfurled his wings and dug his claws into the ground while he looked at me, and I stayed where I was at and looked at him with an unamused look on my face. "Let's take this ride and enjoy each other's company."

I bit back a small sigh before I slowly nodded and stood. "Lets," I said, the urge to ride him growing stronger. "Let's go ahead and take this ride."

Zën folded his wings back to his body and walked over to me. He placed his forehead on mine, and I closed my eyes and placed my hand on his cheek. "I am still sorry, Syn," he said, linking me. "I didn't mean to make you feel like shit."

I set my jaw and nodded, biting back a small gulp when I felt this lump appear in my throat. "I know," I said and rubbed his cheek. "And I forgive you. I promise."

And without another word, I opened my eyes and took a step back before I walked over to his side, waiting for him to lay down so that I could get on his back so that we could fly and enjoy some time in the sky with no worries but only us.

Thank Gods...

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