Chapter 7

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"What the hell?" Zën said in shock as figures started to fly towards us. "How did they get wings?"

"What got wings?" I asked, my voice being carried by the wind. "Hey, watch out," I gasped out in shock as he ducked down, my legs brushing against the trees. I pulled myself into a tight ball, trying to ignore the pain in my knee as it started to flare up again.

"Nunya," Zën sassed. He maneuvered through the trees, ignoring the small hiss of pain as I was tossed around like a ragdoll. "Get ready to run," he said, looking down at me. "I don't know why you are curled up in a ball."

"I am injured, you fucking idiot," I growled out. I uncurled myself from the protective ball I was in just as Zën let me go. I landed on my feet and started to run with Zën behind me.

My knee was starting to give out, but I still kept running. Whatever Matt had given me worn off, and I was starting to feel sick all over again. This time, it was feeling a hell of a lot worse than it had been, and I was sure that I either dislocated my kneecap or bruised it.

"Will you run?" Zën asked exasperatedly when I stumbled and almost fell. He grabbed me by the back of my shirt and pulled me back to my feet. "It's taking us longer than it should."

Sweat beaded on my forehead as I tried to fight myself from letting out a pain filled cry. "My knee..." I hissed out again.

"What about it?"

"I had hurt it," I replied, growling. I was feeling lightheaded and queasy. "I think I had hurt it bad." My stomach seemed to drop, and bile started to rise. "I think I am going to be sick." I stumbled again, only to be caught by Zën.

Zën huffed and moved me to the side. Using his head, he lifted me onto his pack, creating this... bond between us.

I held on as he muttered stuff about how he was too powerful to be bonded to someone that couldn't fight. I knew that he wanted to get back to the sky, but whatever was up there scared him into hiding.

"I hope you are happy," Zën said, disgruntled. He flicked his wings, and I could tell that he was uncomfortable running. He wanted to fly, but for whatever reason, he chose to run through the trees that seemed to move out of the way for him.

"Thrilled," I replied sarcastically. I looked around and found a tree that had some weapons my dad had me made. I was a bit surprised that I knew where I was, but I knew that it was because my dad had made sure I knew how to survive in different kinds of areas and try to find my way back home. "Go over there," I said, pointing towards the tree.


"Just go."

Zën grumbled something underneath his breath before doing what I had told him to do. He made sure that I couldn't understand him, but I was sure it was something to do because I had "power" over him. "What are you doing?" he asked when I stood on his back. "I thought you said you were injured."

"I am," I replied with a small hiss. I grabbed hold of a branch as we went under the tree and pulled myself up. I scrambled up the tree as fast as I could, painful tears falling from my eyes.

I could feel my time running out as I grabbed a quiver and a bow before hopping out of the tree and onto Zën's waiting back.

"Are you crazy?" Zën asked exasperatedly. "What was that for?"

"Find a space out of here and fly." I strung the bow.

"You are crazy! Those things cannot be killed, not by a silly bow and arrow. The only thing that can kill them is-"

I pulled an arrow out of the quiver, the black arrowhead glowing in the setting sun. "Moon touched obsidian."


Zën flew into the sky, going towards the figures. He stayed steady as he could as I knocked the arrow and pulled back. "I hope you are good with that thing," he grumbled. "If not, we are dead."

I shook my head, ridding myself of the screams of agony as they died. "I will be able to," I replied, still hearing the screams. "Cover the inside of your ears."


"Stop acting like a two-year-old kid and do what I said."

"Do as I said," Zën muttered, and I could tell that he did what I had said. "Don't mind me. I don't say, please."

I took a deep breath and waited until they were closer before I let the arrow fly. I made sure to do four more at them because I knew that they would try to get away from the arrows.

Screams filled our ears as the arrows hit their targets. These screams were so loud that they could lead to a man becoming deaf and ears bleeding.

Zën wavered in his flying but kept going the way he needed to go. He was silent as we flew. There was this deep respect coming off of him, and I could tell that I had earned it.

I took a deep breath and sighed, moving a hand through my hair. I had no idea what was going on, and I hoped that I would not have to face that again.

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