Chapter 19

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When I walked out of the bathroom, I was stunned and relieved to see that Carter was awake and sitting in a chair, sipping some tea with a blanket over his shoulders. "Good," I said, and he looked towards me. "You are awake."

Carter smiled and bowed his head. "Of course," he said. "Thanks to you." He took a sip of his tea and gestured to the fireplace where a kettle was set up to keep whatever contents hot. "There is more tea in the kettle," he said. "Get yourself some and pull a chair near the fire. I am sure that you have questions, yes?"

I stayed silent and nodded. I did what I was told to do and grabbed the kettle to pour me a cup of tea. I put the kettle back where it was when I was finished and clutched it in my hands while I leaned against the fireplace, choosing to stand than to sit.

Carter's lips rose in amusement when he watched me, and he took a sip of his tea. Amusement filled his eyes, and I could that he was amused that I didn't sit as he thought. He raised an eyebrow when I scowled and pulled his cup away from his lips. "What?" he asked, and my scowl deepened.

"What are you?" I asked bluntly.

"I am fine, thank you for asking," he replied. He smiled and wink when I scowled. "Where are your manners?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "You know that is what you were supposed to ask instead of your..." he gestured toward me and pursed his lips, "actual question."

I rolled my eyes, and my scowl deepened. "Why is it that my father and Familiar allowed you to come?" I asked. "I thought I was supposed to train by myself without human contact."

Carter shook his head and tsked. "That isn't what I meant by asking me how I am, Syn," he said. He took a sip of his tea and studied me before he sighed and leaned back in his seat. "However, I have a feeling that you aren't going to ask those questions. Huh?" he asked while he studied me some more.

I didn't reply and shrugged my shoulders. I had no idea why he wanted me to change because he knew that I wouldn't have anyway.

He sighed again and cleared his throat before he took another sip of his tea. "To answer your question, I am not human," he said, putting his cup down.

"Ya, no shit," I said, and he scowled.

"For a princess, you sure do have a mouth," he said. He wagged his finger, and his scowl deepened. However, that did not hide the amusement in his eyes. "You have to work on that, Child, or else they're going to eat you alive."

I rolled my eyes and scowled while I drummed my fingers against the cup that I held, wanting to know what he meant by "they" but not wanting to ask about them. "Can you just answer the question?" I asked, and he raised an eyebrow while he waited for me to do something. I huffed and rolled my eyes again. "Please?"

Carter leaned further back in his seat and smirked, and my scowl deepened. "Much better," he said. He cleared his throat and grew serious. "I am not like you either," he said. "I am a giant."

I raised an eyebrow and looked him up and down before I looked him in the eyes. "You're seven feet," I said. "I don't think that is considered to be a giant."

He shrugged. "Some people do," he replied. He cleared his throat and placed his leg on the other one. "However, I am normally twenty feet tall." He shrugged again. "But I can cause myself to be shorter or taller than that."

I raised an eyebrow. "How?" I asked. "How are you able to do that?"

"Don't know," he replied. He grinned, and a spark of amusement filled his eyes. "But it is a cool trick when I do it, especially when there is a drunk female in bed beside me." He winked teasingly. "If you know what I mean."

I rolled my eyes and scowled, and he laughed, tossing his head back while he did so. I gave him a pointed look and narrowed my eyes while I studied him. "Do you seriously do that?" I asked, and he shook his head, no.

"No," he said. He cleared his throat and took a sip of his tea. "I have Fated, but I haven't met her yet. I am waiting for her before I decide to do anything because I would rather be pure than hurt her."

I raised an eyebrow in question. "A Fated?" I asked, and he nodded. "Why a fated?"

"Because that is what I have been blessed with," he replied. His brown eyes had this soft look in them while he thought about whoever his fated would be and when he would meet her. "I want her to be all of my firsts," he said, "my first kiss, my first love, and so forth."

"But you flirt with anything that walks and has boobs," I said and gave him a pointed look, and he grinned innocently. "Are you telling me that you are still a virgin?"

"Yes," he said and nodded his head in confirmation. "I might be a flirt, but I am still a virgin." He cleared his throat while he studied me. "I know that you are a virgin, too. Aren't you waiting for someone special?"

I looked at my cup and didn't reply. I didn't have to because he knew that I was waiting for someone to say something and take me into his arms, even though I had a feeling he would never do that. My heart grew heavy and filled with longing, and I wondered if it was because I wasn't in his sight, and if he was my Fated.

"Damion is your Fated," Carter confirmed, and I didn't need to ask him how he knew because I knew it was written on my face. His face grew softer when I looked at him through my eyelashes. He gestured to where there was a seat open, and I looked at it before I looked at him. "Sit," he said, his voice leaving no room for argument. "And get comfortable; we have a lot to discuss."

I sighed and nodded, knowing full well that I wouldn't be able to change his mind. "Yes," I said and walked over to the chair before I sat down. I cocked my head and studied him, making sure that my face was blank so that he wouldn't be able to read my emotions or the questions that I held. "We do."

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