Chapter 14

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I licked my lips and fiddled with my bow. I had four arrows left in my quiver, and I was debating on whether or not I should do what I wanted to do.

"Well?" Zën asked. "Are we doing this or not?" He was still while I surveyed the course that we had set up. "I mean, we don't have to hit all of the targets."

"I know..." I replied. "But something is wrong. Can't you feel it?"

Zën was about to say something but stopped, turning his gaze to the west. He stayed silent and cocked his head, looking like a bird. "Something is wrong," he said, confirming my suspicions. "Want to go check it out?"

I did.

However, I knew that I shouldn't, not when I wasn't ready and able to hold out on a fight against these types of creatures.

But, Zën was with me, and I knew that he would help me with whatever I need to do. He would get me to safety if something went south.

"Syn?" Zën asked softly. "It is your call. I am bonded to you, no matter what. I will do whatever you need."

I pushed my tongue against my bottom lip. I knew that he would, but I didn't want him to get hurt. I couldn't let him get hurt if something did go south. I'd never forgive myself if it did.

Zën scoffed and rolled his eyes. He took off in the direction that we felt the disturbance, and I didn't stop him. He decided for us, and that decision was for us to investigate.

I fiddled with my bow and took out an arrow. My whole body was tense, and I waited anxiously, praying that I wouldn't see anyone's pain.

And thankfully, my prayers were answered but not in the way I had hoped. Instead of seeing what caused a person pain, I felt it.

I felt this stabbing sensation in my ribs and groaned, clutching the side that felt as if someone took a hot iron and stabbed me with it. My heart pounded in my chest, and my breathing became uneven with each breath I took.

"Syn?" Zën asked, his voice shaking. He slowed down a bit and craned his neck until he was looking at me. Concern filled the bond between us, and I had a feeling that his eyes were filled with concern. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I don't know," I said, gritting my teeth and closing my eyes. My whole body started to cry out in pain, not just my side, and I had no idea why. "Something is wrong. Something bad happened."

Zën stopped flying towards that area and hovered in the air. He had no idea what to do, and I knew that he was debating whether he should take me to my Familiar.

I took a deep breath and let it out while I opened my eyes. My whole body still ached, and this aching made me feel nauseous, but I knew that I had to either check this out or go to my Familiar, both of which I did not want to do.

"I'm taking you to your Familiar," Zën said, again deciding for me. "I don't care if you want to check this out and that I hate her, but you need her right now. Something is wrong."

I didn't reply but grunted out a response, indicating that it was fine for him to take me to her. I had no idea what was happening, and I was grateful that I was not panicking because I knew that would create a lot more drama than we needed.

Zën took the grunt as conformation and started to fly towards my Familiar, wherever she was. He picked up his pace when he heard my groan out in pain, and I could feel his worry through the bond we shared. "Hold on, Syn," he said. "I'll get you there. Promise."

I didn't reply and only focused on staying on Zën and keeping my breathing even. I had no idea what was happening to me, and I didn't like it. It didn't help that the closer we got to my Familiar, the stronger the pain became. "Something is wrong with Kala. Hurry," I said, finally breaking my silence.

Zën didn't say a word, but he started to fly faster than he had been. He understood what I meant and knew that if something bad happened with my Familiar, then something bad could happen to me. "Do you know where?" he asked finally.

"Just keep going this way," I replied. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I knew that I had to ignore the pain if I wanted to help my Familiar, so I ignored my pain and pulled an arrow out from my quiver. "We'll see what is happening when we get there."

Zën didn't reply and picked up his pace. His head kept moving left and right, and I knew that he was trying to pick up any sounds, anything that could give us a sign as to what was happening to my Familiar.

I kept looking straight ahead and cocked my bow, ensuring that both arms were relaxed until I had to pull back and release my arrow.

A roar of pain filled the air around us, and I flinched back in surprise, for I hadn't seen anyone get injured. The air around us was still; not even birds flew out of the trees as another roar of pain filled the air.

Zën slowed his speed as we got closer to the sound of the angered roars. His muscles shifted underneath his hind as he got prepared to fight or rescue my Familiar.

I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming as a searing pain went up my arm, starting at the tip of my fingers and up to the base of my shoulder. My whole arm felt like it was broken, but I knew that it wasn't true while I wiggled my fingers just to make sure.

"Look," Zën said, pulling my gaze from my hand. "Do you know him?"

I looked up, and my eyes grew wide when I saw an angry giant holding onto my Familiar by the throat.

His eyes were black and filled with anger while he tossed my Familiar against a tree before grabbing her tail and swung her around, ignoring her yowls of pain. Hs towered over the trees, taller than I had ever seen him before. He didn't pay attention or look at me for me to be able to recognize him. The dark red hair led me to believe I did know him, and was shocked to see how tall he really was.

It was Carter.

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