Chapter 16

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"So, what's the plan?" Zën asked while we watched the giant try to break his way into the area we were in. He turned his head towards me and narrowed a golden eye, becoming suspicious of my quiet behavior. "Or do you even have a plan?"

I pursed my lips and fiddled with my bow. "I have a plan, but you are not going to like it," I said. I pulled an arrow from my quiver and kept my grip relaxed, ready to strike when I need to. "You know how I said to get closer to him?"

He sighed mockingly, and I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I remember you saying that," he sulked. "Shall I get closer to him now?"

"Yes," I said. I furrowed my brows and pursed my lips further. "Are there any symbols that I need to look for on him?" I asked. "I have a feeling that is the reason as to why he is acting like this, but I have no idea where the symbol should be or what it looks like."

"Well, I guess you have to search for it," he said. He sighed mockingly, and he rolled his eyes when I didn't reply. "Fine, I will go towards him." Zën left the safety of the force field, and Carter's gaze was instantly on him.

A loud roar escaped the male's mouth, and the rest of the birds that hadn't flown away flew away with some of them smacking into Carter and making him more mad and destructive. He slashed at the birds and killed some of them by biting off their heads before he hurtled the now headless birds towards us.

Zën squawked and flew under them before he flew towards the male. "If he doesn't kill you, I am going to kill you," he said. "That was disgusting."

I rolled my eyes but didn't reply while I scanned the male looking for something that didn't belong to the older male and was new.

A tattoo of some sort caught my attention when he moved his head before his red hair fell in the way.

Carter never liked tattoos on himself.

"There," I said. "Make him move his head again."

"Why?" Zën asked. He moved to the left, and Carter turned his head, but it wasn't the side that I needed.

"Other side," I said, and Zën scoffed and rolled his eyes before he did what I said and moved until the tattoo peeked out from under his hair. "There. That doesn't belong."

"It's a tattoo. What do you mean it doesn't belong?"

"Carter doesn't like tattoos. He is afraid of needles, especially the smaller ones. That. Does. Not. Belong. On. Him."

"Well, why didn't you say so? Get ready to shoot at the tattoo. That's the only way of breaking it."

I took a deep breath and aimed for the area of the tattoo. I sent a silent prayer that this wouldn't kill him because I had no idea what I would if it did, for he had been someone that I had trusted while I grew up and noticed the world around me.

"Are you ready?" Zën asked, flying around the male, trying to get me a clear view of the tattoo. "You just have to hit the center, and it should work."

Should work.

I held an eye roll and took another deep breath before I aimed the arrow at the mark. "Ready," I said after I was. "What are you going to do?"

"This." He reared and lashed his claws out while he flung his wings forward and created a gust of wind blowing towards the male.

As soon as the mark was visible, I shot my arrow at it and prayed for a miracle, praying that the shot would be true.

To diverge Carter's attention from that arrow, I quickly took another arrow out of my quiver and shot it at him, making sure that he would keep facing the way that I wanted so that the first arrow would meet its mark.

Carter roared and grabbed the second arrow before he broke it. Like I had prayed for, he left the first arrow alone, and it buried itself into his neck until only the end of the arrow was visible.

Carter roared out in pain, and I watched in shock and deep fascination while the male grabbed the arrow and tore it from his neck before he threw it to the ground while he started to grow shorter and shorter with each passing moment. No blood came from the mark, and I was grateful because I had no idea how to help if it did.

Zën flew lower and lower, following Carter's path until he landed on the ground with Carter at his full height, unconscious.

I hopped off of Zën's back and hesitantly made my way towards him, knowing full well that Zën had my back, no matter how much of a dick he was. Taking a deep breath, I kneeled beside the unconscious male and hesitantly reached out to touch but stopped a few inches from his neck.

Magic grazed my fingertips, magic that I didn't understand, and hadn't learned about. The magic didn't harm me while it disappeared into thin air, leaving me slightly breathless and surprised.

"What was that?" I asked as soon as I was able to speak.

"Magic that was used on Carter," Zën said with narrowed eyes. "I don't know why it didn't hurt you, but it should have."

I rolled my eyes but didn't respond while placing my hand on his neck and felt a pulse. My shoulders sagged in relief when I felt his pulse because I knew that he was alive and well, at least well enough from what I could tell, even though he was passed out.

"What should we do with him?" Zën asked. "Leave him?"

I pursed my lips and studied the male before me. I did not want to leave him here by himself while he was unconscious, but I knew that my time was almost up, and I needed to get back behind the wall before something else could find me, something that I couldn't kill yet.

However, I wanted a familiar face to ask these questions that I had and had a feeling that Carter could answer them. I wanted to learn from a "human," knowing that I needed their guidance as well.

"Well?" Zën pressed, gently, listening in on my thoughts. He walked over to me and stood behind me before lowering his beak until it rested on my shoulder. "What do you want to do with him?"

I sighed and shook my head before I pulled my hand away from him. "I don't know," I replied. "I just don't know."

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