Chapter 18

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I walked into the cabin to find Kala by the fireplace with her eyes closed. Relief filled my body when she opened an eye and watched me place Carter onto the only bed in the room, stopping the spell.

Kala closed her eyes and grimaced. Her breathing was very labored, and anxiety settled into the pit of my stomach because I knew that she was in bad shape. "I see that you remember the spell," she said, and I nodded. "Good."

I nodded again and walked over to her. Concern filled my eyes while I knelt by her side and placed my hands over her body.

"Don't," Kala warned, knowing full well what I wanted to do. She opened her eyes and gave me a pointed look. "You aren't ready, Synthia," she scolded. "I am fine. I'll survive."

I bit back a scoff and rolled my eyes. I didn't say a word but kept my hands over her body and thought of the spell that I wanted to use to help this female survive and be healed.

"Synthia," she warned again. She tried to shift herself away from me, but she couldn't get far. "Don't." Her voice was filled with pain, and my heart broke slightly because I did not like seeing her in pain, no matter how much of a dick she had been while she tried to train me.

I hissed, and she stopped trying to move but stared at me with narrowed eyes. "I'm doing it," I said firmly. "Do not stop me, Kala. I hate seeing you like this." I gave her a pointed look, and she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Fine," she grumbled. "Go ahead and do it. If you pass out from the spell, then do not blame me. I warned you not to do it."

"If I pass out, you may tell me that you "told me so,"" I grumbled. I cleared my throat and licked my lips before I took a deep breath and let it out, knowing full well that I had to be relaxed for this to work. I took another deep breath and closed my eyes before I muttered the spell.

Magic filled my body and trailed through my body and to my fingertips, where it left with a soft white glow over her body. It caused the hair on my arm to stick straight up at attention and filled my fingertips with such warmth that I had never felt before because this was my first time doing something like this.

Kala closed her eyes when the white light settled on her, and her face became more relaxed than it had been in the past few minutes. Her breathing became softer and softer while she relaxed and let out a soft sigh of relief while her wounds healed.

I leaned back on my hunches when the white glow was finished and panted. Sweat beaded on my forehead from the amount of energy it had taken, but I was still seated and conscious.

Kala opened her eyes when I was done and blinked. She stared at me with intelligent green eyes and slowly blinked. She bowed her head, and I raised an eyebrow because I had no idea why she was bowing. "I misspoke," she said. "You did well, Child."

A small smile flickered onto my lips, and I let out a small snort. "It did take more than I thought it would," I admitted, and she nodded. I cleared my throat and sat down before I looked at Carter and then back at her. "Did you do this?" I asked, talking about Carter.

"I had asked him to come, yes," Kala said. She sat up and wrapped her tail around her paws. "Your father agreed and was relieved to have a human with you." She scowled when I raised an eyebrow. "Don't act like you didn't know I was in contact with your father," she scolded. "I know that you do."

I moved a hand through my hair and grimaced when I felt how greasy it was because of the workouts I had done. I nodded my head because I did know that she had been in contact with him, even though I had no idea what they talked about.

"Go take a shower," she instructed. She looked at Carter and then looked at me. "He will be safe here. He needs rest and should be awake when you are done."

I stayed silent and nodded. Standing proved to be slightly difficult because my whole body was still sluggish because I had used up my magic reserve. I knew that I would need some rest myself, but I didn't want to rest with greasy hair and clothes that had dirt on them.

Kala bit back a smirk, and I could see it in her eyes that she wanted to tell me, 'I told you so,' but she didn't. "Put your necklace in your hand," she said, talking about the necklace she had given me a couple of days before this. "And close your eyes. Call the magic to you."

I took the necklace out from under my shirt and stared at the purple gem, symbolizing that I was royalty. I took a deep breath and let it out before I closed my eyes and called the magic from it.

A small gasp escaped my lips when magic came from the gem and into my body, filling me back up with the magic that I had lost. My hand tingled again while the magic went into my body, and the hairs on my arms stick straight up again, even though none magic left.

Kala nodded when I released the gem. "Don't forget," she said. "You need to put more energy into it. That is a place that will hold your magic until you need it. Is that understood?"

I stayed silent and nodded. I knew that I would have to put some magic in there because I had no idea what else I'd have to face and how much magic I would need to defeat whoever I had to face.

"Good," Kala said. "Now, go and take a shower. Carter will wake soon, and I know that you'll have some questions for him."

I stuffed the necklace back in my shirt and nodded. "Ok," I said. I turned on my feet and started to walk to the bathroom, my muscles starting to act up because of the strenuous activities I had done before then.

"Syn," Kala said, and I stopped and looked toward her over my shoulder. She smiled, and her whiskers pricked forward. She bowed her head, and I raised an eyebrow in question, wondering why she had stopped me. "Thank you," she said. "Thank you for going against what I had told you. If you didn't, then I don't think I'll be alive."

I smiled and nodded. I didn't say a word and continued my way to the bathroom with her watching after me.

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