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Hellooooo! I'm Tina.
What's your name? Do comment your name, favourite band/s, favourite book/s, favourite TV programme/s, favourite movie/s, any questions you have for me (?), etc. — I'd love to get to know you :)

This is my second xReader fanfiction, and my first was read by barely anyone so I don't know how this one'll be, but I think I've read enough xReaders to know what I'm doing. Hopefully.
Comment suggestions that along the way if you'd like, or, if you notice any grammar/punctuation errors, please (politely) let me know!

Just a rundown, although I'm sure you know the drill:
Y/N: your name
Y/L/N: your last name/surname
y/u/n: your user name
y/e/c: your eye colour
y/h/c: your hair colour

•All (if any) author's notes will be bolded
•Further choices you can make throughout the book will appear in bold as such:

I am attempting to make this as reader-friendly as humanly possible and therefore the book will be gender-neutral and a bit like those 'choose your own adventure stories' (all for but your career— you are an aspiring author working as a journalist :))

I hope you enjoy the story, and, as usual, don't forget to vote and comment if you care to!

~Tina x

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