Chapter 13.

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Well, the chapter no. is fitting...

• • • • • •

It was the doorbell.
At fucking six fucking am.
From Eileen's room there came a string of curses similar to your own.

You threw yourself from your soft, soft bed as the doorbell rang again, shouting, "I'll get it!" knowing that Eileen never would in a million years.

You cracked your knuckles as you opened the door, ready to beat up some assbutt who had decided to go ding-dong ditching at fucking six in the damned morning.

"Who the hell", you began as the door swung open...
To reveal Dan's lopsided grin and head laid to one side, blankets and DVDs piled into his arms.

"Good morning, sunshine", he chirped sarcastically.

"Oh. Hi. I might've forgotten to mention, it's fucking six o'clock. As in the sun rose only two hours ago, yeah?" you said bluntly.

"No way", Dan replied, his tone equally flat.

"Why are you even up at this hour?"

"I got up so that you could get your things without having to immediately rush off to work, darling", he drawled in his too-good impression of an American accent.

You stuck your tongue out at him and he stiffled a laugh.
"Pass the crap", you held out your arms for your stuff.

He dumped it in your hands and you let out an, "Oof", at the sudden weight.

"Okay?" he asked.

"Fine", you grumbled as he followed you inside without invitation, shutting the door as both of you shuffled into the kitchen.

"What makes you so bright today?" he said, irony spilling over as you threw the things on the sofa.

"She/He/They got kissed", Eileen announced, swigging from the one litre apple juice carton.

"What?!" Dan blurted as you blushed. 

Eileen wrinkled her nose, blinking at him sleepily. "You surprised? She's/He's/They're quite hot, you know. Shame you didn't snatch her/him/them up while you had the chance, eh?"

Your blush deepened whilst Dan still stood with his pretty mouth agape, flabbergasted.

"You got kissed?" he repeated with a swallow.
Nodding, you wondered what was the matter with him. "Yeah".

The odd demeanour vanished, replaced by curiosity. "Who?"

"Boss", Eileen interjected unhelpfully. You'd filled her in when you'd gotten home; she'd stayed up, worried that you hadn't called to let her know where you'd been. She was rather a mum, Eileen was.

"What?" Dan scoffed, sinking into the sofa. "The married one, that idiot, Sarah? You kissed a married person, Y/N?"

"No!" you cried, "other boss. Michael. I've got two jobs you know. Oh", you jabbed a finger at the air, "and he kissed me, not the other way around".

"But you kissed him back?" Dan said.

"Well, yeah, I mean, yeah".

"And you liked it?" he went on with his interrogation.

"What kind of fucking question is that?" Sleepy-Eileen struck again, ever the one to stand up for you.

You studied the floor.

"Sorry", Dan mumbled, eyes finding the ground too.

"So tell us about the guy", Eileen lounged on the barstool, coffee in hand. "Smart? Handsome? Etc. etc..."

"Definitely". They looked at you. "Smart and handsome".

"Ah, so he's a lot like me", Dan nodded, "I see".

"My, you're arrogant this morning", Eileen retorted.

"I'm going to work now so I'm not late this time", you went to your room to change, hearing Eileen ask,

"Where's Phil these days?"

and Dan answer, "Probably asleep at this early hour, but you're welcome to go wake him. I was going to anyway..."

But you were into your room and shutting the door to get dressed before you could hear the rest of the conversation.

When you returned to the living room and kitchen, only Dan was there, sat alone, spinning around sadly on a barstool.

You laughed at the image and he looked up with a boyish grin.

"Where's Eileen?" you said.

"Oh, she went over to wake Phil", Dan nodded.

"Should we expect a wedding, soon?" you said with an easy laugh.

"I don't know", Dan replied, and suddenly his tone was turning cold. "Her's or yours?" He wasn't just teasing; you could hear the contempt, the utter disgust in his voice, and you assumed that this was for Michael. "I mean, you've only just met the guy and I haven't at all, but from what I can tell, he's a complete and total idiot".
Your blood pounded in your ears with adrenaline that you couldn't decide the source of: was it anger, or was for the fact that Dan was... was he jealous?
"Eileen says you took the tube home at twelve o'clock, alone? He let you wander London alone at twelve o'clock in the morning, in the dark? What kind of deluded scat leaves you alone in London in the early hours of the morning?!" Your assumptions had been correct.

"Get. Out", you spat through your teeth and he blinked at you in shock, partly at your words, partly at his own. "Go", you repeated yourself.

"Y/N..." he began, a grimace staining his features like the tea you'd spilled on his shirt, if the shirt had been as pale as Dan's face was now. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have—"

"Now", you couldn't stand to see him, his open smile turned so grim, his articulately woven words turned foul, the speech of a snake, and the way his pretty eyes avoided your own, furious pair.


"Please". It was the plea that struck pity into his eyes, though you knew not why, and blurred your vision with hot tears.
You'd made a life of your own here in London with more of the writing world to explore at your university, a pair of jobs you rather enjoyed, your best friend by your side, and now, finally settling in, you thought you'd made two more— Dan and Phil— but you'd been wrong.

The brown-eyed boy you'd come to understand, the one you'd wanted to protect, was suddenly the one you needed protection from.

You'd thought you'd made two friends, you were thinking as Daniel Howell went to leave your flat.

But the pain struck only as the door clicked quietly shut.

You had been wrong, as to friends.

You'd only made one.

• • • • • •


Dun dun dunnn...

I hope you're well enraged.
But probably not; my writing doesn't work that well, however much I wish it could.

However, the story will be picking up very soon! I'm attempting to build some tension, mwhahahahaa

~Tina x

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