Chapter 10.

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11:00am. Saturday.

If the time and day your phone displayed rang true, then why the fuck was your phone ringing?

Dan groaned and shuffled closer to Phil who mumbled something about personal space as he hugged the armrest of the sofa.

You realised where you were and instantly felt embarassed for disturbing Dan and Phil in their much needed sleep— going to bed at three really was no good, honestly Dan— and why did you have a crick in your neck..?

Because you'd slept with your head on Dan's shoulder.

Why was your phone still ringing?

Beause, idiot, you haven't answered it.

With a sigh, you blinked at the caller ID until your eyes focused.

What'd she want? She never got up this early.

But you hurried to pick up the phone before its tone fully woke your tired companions.

"Eileen, what the fuck?" you asked blearily. "It's only ten o'clock!"

"Eleven. Good to talk to you too", she retorted, her tone slathered with irony as thick as honey. Then she was bubbling as usual, and loud. So loud. "You'll never guess who I just spoke to!"

"Shh, Eileen, you'll wake people up".

"Ooh", she cooed, "you got someone there with you? Finally, I always knew you weren't that pure! He? She? Were they good in be—"

"Eileen, shut up!" you hissed to stop her from finishing that sentence before it was developed further by her filterless mouth. And wishing not to wake Dan and Phil, nor have them hear anymore of Eileen's extensive and rather rude vocabulary, you stepped into another room.

"Touchy-touchy", she tutted and your mind instantly shot to your conversation with Dan over text; quickly you shook your head to relieve your thoughts of him.

"So remind me again why you're calling me at ten in the morning when you know it's Saturday?"

"Well, you'll never guess who I just talked to".

You sighed. You'd play along. "Who?"

"Emma Watson!" If Eileen had been a balloon, she'd most certainly exploded at this point, she sounded that elated.

"Well you'll never guess who I just slept next to", you muttered beneath your breath, a memory from a few years ago reminding you that Eileen was about as obsessed with Dan and Phil as you were...

The 25th of October, 2009...

"I ship it, honestly, I ship it so hard", you scrubbed your seventeen-year-old hands over your face, not fathoming how Dan and Phil weren't in love already.

"I don't", Eileen paused the video.

"What?" your forehead scrunched up as you clicked to play the video again.

Eileen pressed pause on 'phil is not on fire' once more and you sighed, deciding to listen before she physically smashed your very expensive, well-earned laptop to pieces in order to make you listen.

"Why not?" you repeated yourself, gesturing to the perfectly shippable image of Phil attack-hugging Dan.

"Well, because I ship myself with Phil, for one".

"Phil? I'd have thought Dan", you remarked, now interested in what point Eileen would fight to make. She was in fact quite good at making points with evidence and everything any English teacher would be proud to showcase. It was a shame she didn't think to use this talent of hers, but that was Eileen for you. She was so very, very... Dan.

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