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I suck, basically, but we knew that already, so it's fine.

I gave up on writing "just a dream".

I gave up on writing any Dan x Reader.

'Why?' you ask.


It's cheesy.

But I really fucking cannot imagine Daniel Howell with anyone other than Phil Lester.

That's right.

Phan partially destroyed my will to write.

Partially, of course.

i'm not even joking.

I don't even know how it came to this,

one night

I imagined Dan and Phil going their separate ways in order to start families,
and I ended up crying myself to sleep, because a) that thought is so fucking sad because their friendship (or whatever the hell it is) is honestly the only dynamic I want in life, and because, b) I was over-emotional due to the fact that is
I am female
I bleed once a month.


I love you all.


Thank you for your support.

And I'll continue to write on here, but no Dan x Reader, or Phil x Reader,
because that is how pathetically in love I am with the idea of Dan and Phil/Phil and Dan.

Tina x

Post Script

I've written Phan oneshots in my 'random' book, and I am currently working on a Phanfiction (set during Interactive Introverts) called 'Strangers', in case you're interested, haha.
And yes, I ship Phan, but I hope you believe me when I say that I would NEVER force it upon either of the involved parties. I do not watch Dan and Phil because PHAN CONTENT!1!1!1!1, but simply because they mean the world to me, both together and apart. I just ship it quietly, like a little girl sat in a corner, making her Barbie dolls kiss, if you catch my drift, ehehehehe.

much love.

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