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  New York, US Years 1996

A very handsome young boy just sits at a bench in front of a big mansion. He wears a black tuxedo and a blue necktie. He looks so proud and arrogant but still people around him feel pity for the young boy. Why? It is because a few days ago he lost his parents due to a car accident and he is the only survival from that accident. His mother died at the accident scene while his father died on the way to the hospital. It was hard to say that he is lucky or not because he survived with just minor injuries. Peter Anthony Kim or Kim Soo Hyun, the only child and descendant of a rich and big company, Anthony Kim Company (AKC) that own many five star hotel names Emerald Hotel around the world and also the owner of three big Emerald Shopping Complex which are located at three big city in US; New York, Washington and California.

"Young Master, they are all waiting for you sir at the library." an old butler who was always there for him said.

"Thank you," Peter looks at his butler. "Will you be there as well Matthew?" he asked him. Looking at his young master, the butler can see that his young master really hope he will be there with him too but the butler know it is impossible because he just an old butler in this household. He looks at his eyes and gives him his sad smile, "I am sorry sir; I don't think it is proper."

"Hmm, I see. Then I must go and thank you Matthew for everything."

Matthew looks at his young master. He feels glad that his young master survived in that tragic accident. But deep inside his heart he knows that his young master is holding a big hole in his heart and he hope his young master will forget everything that happened. The young boy saying nothing to what really happened and they think he is too shock to say a word about the accident. The butler know the young master blame himself about what happened but he don't know what is that to blame for and he knows that it not his place to asked. However, in his heart he always wishing that one day his young master will find his happiness.

Peter walk down the corridor to the library; he know what will happen in there. He always been reminded by his father and mother that one day he will be the owner of Anthony Kim Company, but not once it cross his mind that it come too early. His parents; although not really doing their parents job toward him but still he was happy to have them around. As a busy businessman, his father never bother about him while his mother too busy to do socialize activity while helping his father business. Although most of the time he was left alone by his parent but he know they are there if he need them but now both of them are gone.

"I have been waiting for you Mr Peter," said a loyal friend of his father and also a lawyer of his father company, Mr Lois or he called him as Uncle Lois.

"Sorry for the waiting, sir," he said directly to the lawyer and took a sit at one of the armchair that near the doors.

"Okay than as you know you are the one and only son of Mr and Mrs Kim, Mr Peter Anthony Kim," He waits for Peter to look at him, and continue when their eyes meet each other.

"It is state in here that all personal belonging such as the bank account, the gold and lands and houses with all its furniture as well as any goods that once belong to your parent will be yours. The properties such as lands and houses, the shares and any properties as well as money and gold which under the Anthony Kim Company and also shares in others company which have under the name of Mr and Mrs Kim will be transfer to you directly. The same goes to all the money and gold, lands and houses and all the properties that once belong to your mother family; as you know you are the only descendant from Sir Lord Anthony will also go directly to you.

However, since you are only 10 years old your ownership will be manage by your grandfather, Mr Kim Ming Choi as your legal guardian. And since your grandfather live in Korea, so all the management of the Emerald companies will be conduct there. Also for the others shares in the others company as long as the other company make a profit the share cannot be transfer by anyone until your 17 birthday and at that time I hope you can manage the share yourself. And for the profit that come from the share will go to your Personal Treasury bond and you can take it out when you are 17 years old," he stops and look at Peter. This boy is too rich for his own good.

"Do you have any question Peter?" ask Mr Lois.

"Mr Lois, sir. Do I have to stay with my grandfather? I don't even know I still have a grandfather and I don't know anything about Korea," said Peter. It is true that he never knew that he still has a grandfather and he was uncomfortable just to imagine staying with him in Korea. He knew nothing about Korea and how on earth he is going to live there.

"I am sorry Peter, but it state in here that he is your legal guardian and I already contacted him telling about your condition. He was sad that he cannot make it here and asked me to arrange the way not just to bring you back to Korea but your father and mother death body to Korea too. Since he the only relative left from both side of family, your parent will be burying there. He want you to come to Korea and stay there with him," explain Mr Lois.

"Sir, can I bring back some my family loyal servant to Korea as well?" he ask Mr.Lois, hoping.

"Yes you can Peter. It is up to you who you want to bring and for your information you have your own mansion there too. Your father has bought the mansion years ago but he never once stay and look at the mansion. So you can stay at that mansion or you can stay at your grandfather mansion. It is up to you and your grandfather to make a decision," explain Mr Lois. Peter can only nods his head understand.

"Peter, I am sorry to what happened to your parents. Your father and I have been friend seen our college years and he like a brother to me. And I have been his lawyer from when he started doing his own business. He trusts on me as much as I trust him. So I hope you can trust me too, just like your father trusts me. I will try my best to take care all your properties and profits here. So please just enjoy your childhood just like other kids as I know you never have it because I watch you grow up Peter. I know your father and mother treat you like an adult but please you should start make a good memory as a child in Korea okay. I don't really know your grandfather but I hope you can find love from him. I know that you are a strong boy. But if you need anything, anything just gives me a call," Mr Lois looks at Peter and grab his hand and squeeze it before he stands up and walks to the door leaving the boy behind.  


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and sorry if my grammar is bad... English is my second language.



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