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That night Soo Hyun already waits in front the store inside his car. Tonight he drives his own car without his bodyguard. When Hae-jin steps out from her store and saying her goodbye to her workers, Soo Hyun step out from his car and walk toward Hae-jin.

"You are here," she said.

"Are you ready to go home now?" asked Soo Hyun.

Hae-jin nods her head and with that she walks side by side with Soo Hyun.

"Where your dog?" asked Soo Hyun.

"He stays here. I cannot bring him home. My apartment don't allowed the tenant have a pet," explained Hae-jin.

"Is he will be okay if you leave him here alone?" asked Soo Hyun while opening the car door for Hae-jin.

When Soo Hyun already step in the car, Hae-jin answered his question by telling him that her dog has a big house at her office rooftop and he will be fine.

"If you are busy, I will let someone take care of the dog for you," said Soo Hyun.

"Thank you," said Hae-jin.

"You're most welcome," said Soo Hyun.

"Hmm... Soo Hyun shii,"


"Why you want me to be your girlfriend?" asked Hae-jin.

"I don't know. I think I want to know you more," answered Soo Hyun.

"But we can be a friend if you want to know more about me?" said Hae-jin.

Soo Hyun shake his head, "When I see you for the first time, I never think that I want to know you as a friend and that when I decide that for me to know more about you is to be your boyfriend," explained Soo Hyun.

"But I don't think you can just decide to have that kind of relationship, I meant boyfriend-girlfriend relationship," said Hae-jin.

"Tell me Hae-jin ah... how a couple can become a couple?" asked Soo Hyun using informal way of talking.

"I don't know... I never have a boyfriend before. But still I never heard someone who start to be in relationship like this," said Hae-jin.

"Let me tell you, for me, to start a relationship are same in any situation. If you want to start a relationship as a friend you just tell the person that you want to be his friend. Same goes if he wants to start a relationship as office colleague so it will be that way. It up to what you want from other person. So ... I don't think it a wrong decision if I want to start boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with you because as I can see, my intention to know you is to have you as my girlfriend. I don't have any other intention toward you. And maybe someday, you will be my wife. Who knows maybe we suit each other," explain Soo Hyun.

"But ... I don't think I want to be your girlfriend," said Hae-jin.


"Why... I don't know, it too sudden. I can't make a decision in the blink of eyes," said Hae-jin.

"We are here," said Soo Hyun before he stop his car in front Hae-jin apartment.

"How did you know I live here?" asked Hae-jin.

Soo Hyun smile before he walked out from the car to open Hae-jin door. Hae-jin steps out from his car but cannot move away because Soo Hyun block Hae-jin body with one of his hand on the car door and the other on the car.

"If I want something, I will try my best to get it," said Soo Hyun,
"and please let me be your boyfriend," he adds.

"Thank you for sending me home," said Hae-jin while her eyes looking below not wanting seeing Soo Hyun face. Soo Hyun nods his head and out of no way he bends his head and kiss at the top of Hae-jin head. As you can see, the difference between their heights is too obvious.

"I will pick you up tomorrow morning, what time you have to go to work," said Soo Hyun.

"You don't have too, I can take a bus. It only 3 stop from here to my shop," said Hae-jin.

Soo Hyun nods his head, "If I am not too busy tomorrow I will pick you up after work. So what time you back from home."

"The café is close at 9, but I always finish work at 7," said Hae-jin.

"Okay, if I am busy, I will called you," said Soo Hyun before let go of Hae-jin.

"Go, I will see myself go after I see you walk into your building," said Soo Hyun.

Hae-jin nods her head and give Soo Hyun her smile, "Are you sure you want to be my boyfriend?" asked Hae-jin.

Soo Hyun nods his head, "Let have a nice relationship," he said. Hae-jin shaking her head and said "you must be crazy", before she walked to her building.


So, do you like the story .... what do yo think?



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