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Your POV

I glanced at him and he glanced at me. We both quickly looked away. He walked up to me.

"I need to ask you something." We said at the same time.

"You go first." I said quickly.

"Will you be my partner even when summer ends?" He asked.

"Of course! Dancing with others isn't the sa-" I started.

"Not just for dance." He interrupted.

"You mean-"



Wait, wait, wait, hold up.

Did you think I was just gonna tell you your answer? No!

Do you even know how you got to this point? Probably not.

You will not know what your answer was until you've gotten to that point in the story.
Nice try.

But just know that your answer changed your life.

You'll see if it was for better or for worse.
Hey guys, a  few things really quick.

1. Thank y'all for your support

2. Welcome if you're new (I post mediocre stories on the internet for people to read lolol)

3. I have more fanfics coming out soon. (You didn't hear that from me. Btw: both are different fandoms.)

4. Hope you enjoyed!!

Words: 315

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