Chapter 19- Jelousy

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Your POV

"I wrote a song and choreographed a dance for all of us." I announced.

Everyone started whispering to each other.

"I wanted to surprise Logan and Donna with this dance and song. I wanna show them that we learned something." I explained. "But under that condition, neither Donna or Logan can know about the performance and these classes. It's gotta be a secret kept with the students."

I had everyone's attention now.

"My friend, Aaron, who you have never met before will help us with this project. He will sing and play the song on guitar." I added. "And obviously everyone else will be dancing."

The class whispered and exchanged looks.

"We'll do everything you say under on condition." Dante said.

"And what condition is it?" I asked willing to do anything.

"You and Laurence~Kun have to be the main dancers." Kawaii~Chan finished.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you did all of the work and Laurence is your partner." Aphmau explained as she slightly wiggled her eyebrows.

"If it's okay with (y/n), I'm okay with it." Laurence smirked.

"Deal." I agreed.

"Great!" Aphmau exclaimed.

"Classes started next week. 8:30 every week night." I explained briefly.

"See you all there." I said and everyone except my friends left the class.

"So, why did you decide you wanted to do this?" Katelyn asked.

"Because all of us are in dire need of technique classes." I explained. "I've seen everyone's dancing and the technique recently has been meh. I want to help improve everyone and not just me."

"That's sweet!" Kawaii~Chan smiled.

"It really won't be difficult." I started to pack up my things. "Everyone just needs to go back to the basics. Including myself."

"If you need it, then why are you teaching us?" Dante asked.

"Because I'm the only one who has lead the class." I answered.

"That, or is it because you're a better dancer?" Travis joined in.

"I don't think I'm better than you guys." I squinted a bit.

"Are you suuuure~?" Travis asked getting close.

"I'm positive." I said as I punched him in the gut.

"Ok Katelyn 2.0." Travis said sarcastically while on the floor.

"What was that?" Katelyn was now offended.

"You're screwed." I said being honest.

Katelyn hit him.

"You asked for that one bro." Laurence shook his head.

"When will he learn?" Garroth thought.

"Never. The answer is never." I answered.

Everyone left the room.

"We won't be meeting you your room tomorrow." Laurence said to me.

"Why?" I whined.

"Because Donna wanted to teach us something before class." He replied.

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