Chapter 7- Fun

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Your POV

"I really like they're performance." Logan pointed to me and Laurence. "I wanna work with them."

Donna nodded and we walked towards Logan.

"Your guys' performance was my favorite." He said flat out.

"Thank you." Laurence and I said at the same time.

"Which is why I want to teach you two a special dance." Logan reasoned.

"Special?" I questioned.

"Yeah, only you and Laurence will know this dance." Logan explained.

"Sweet!" Laurence smiled.

"Okay. Let's start." I said.

The piece we were learning was love based. The choreography is beautiful and I'm excited to preform it in a week. It also turns out the we will be preforming in front of other choreographers, so this is a big deal.

The class ended and I decided I wanted to look at the sunset.

I walked to the rooftop and I saw Laurence beat me to it. I smiled and bit my lip.

I took out my phone and put on a song.

At the end we started to mess around with the dance.

I started to giggle when the song ended.

"Someone had fun." Laurence teased.

"I did. Did you?" I said in between the giggles.

My giggle turned into a laugh. Laurence started to laugh along with me.

"Did you follow me?" Laurence asked once we were done laughing.

"Nope. I came up here same reason as you." I answered.

"To watch the sunset?" He asked.

"No to watch the pigeons fly." I said sarcastically. "Of course to watch the sunset."

"Oh, haha, you're so funny." Laurence said sarcastically.

"And you're so sarcastic. We even?" I asked.

"You little-"

"No. Little nothing. I win, you loose." I declared.

"Whatever." Laurence rolled his eyes playfully.

"Aw, is someone mad? Upset maybe?" I gave fake puppy dog eyes.

"I'm a wittle sad." He said like a baby.

Awwww, he's so cute.

"How can I make you happy again?" I asked.

"Hmmmmm." He thought.

He walked in front of me with his back facing me. He picked me up with one arm and threw me over his shoulder. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders so he could give me a piggy back ride.

"Giving me a piggy back ride? Really?" I asked in disbelief.

He started to run down the stairs and out of the building. He brought me to the academy's fields and all of a sudden...

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