Chapter 17- A New Project

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Katelyn's POV (its 10)

I quickly ran to Laurence's room hoping (y/n) was there. I started banging on the door like a maniac. Travis answered.

I quickly pushed him out of the way and I ran into their rooms. I started searching everywhere.

"You loose something?" Travis asked.

I didn't respond.

"What's wrong?" Garroth asked.

I have to keep looking.

"I've never seen her act like this." Dante commented.

I have to find her.

"Katelyn?" Laurence tilted his head.

"Where is she?" I asked Laurence.

"Who?" He was confused.

"(Y/n)! Where is she?" I asked worriedly.

"I thought she went to her dorm!" Laurence was now panicked.

"No! She's not there!" I said.

"Where is she?" Travis asked stupidly.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be here!" I yelled. "When did you see her last?"

Laurence POV


I left (y/n) to answer her call.

I heard her asking about this person. Aaron? She's never mentioned an Aaron before.

"Aw, I miss you too Aaron!" She exclaimed happily.

Why does she miss him? She shouldn't be missing anyone.

I started to get lost in thought.

"Love you." She said happily.

WHAT?! Oh this isn't good! SHE LOVES HIM! I'm so mad I could burst.

I ran away.

~•End of Flashback•~

We started searching for (y/n) but we couldn't find her.

"I think she'll show up." Dante reassured.

"Yeah." Travis agreed.

"They're right Laurence. (Y/n) is a pretty reasonable person." Garroth said. "She wouldn't leave without a reason."

"I guess so." I said stubbornly. "If she's not back tomorrow morning, I'm not gonna stop searching for her until she's back here."

"Okay." They guys said.

Everyone went to sleeps for the night.

Your POV (finally)

It's now 2 in the morning and I finished one of the hardest parts about this project. My eyes fell heavy and I soon fell asleep.

~•The Next Morning•~

I woke up and it was 5. Only 3 hours of sleep, great. I HATE MORNINGS! I HATE THAT I'M AWAKE! I THAT I HATE MORNINGS!

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