Chapter 9- Teacher

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Aphmau's POV

Today we had class at 7.

I went to go and see if (y/n) was awake but she was already gone.

"(Y/n) left for practice already." I said to Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan.

They nodded and we continued to get ready. Once we finished getting ready we met up with the guys.

"Where's (y/n)?" Laurence asked.

"At practice already." I answered.

"Where were you yesterday?" Katelyn asked.

"Yeah. Laurence~Kun really made
(y/n)~Senpai sad yesterday." Kawaii~Chan said.

"I had work." He lied.

Only I knew the truth about where he was. This isn't fair! Why did this have to happen to Laurence and I?

"You choose work over dance? Over (y/n)?" Katelyn said not buying what he was saying.

"I can't loose this job." Laurene defended.

"I'm still upset that you let (y/n) down, but I understand what you did." Katelyn said with an understanding tone.

We started to make our was to class when we saw a bunch of students looking through the glass of the studio. We made our way through the crowd and saw (y/n) doing a contemporary solo.

She stopped mid dance because she messed up on a part; even though it wasn't noticeable.

(Skip to 55 seconds to get to your part- the first half is a group dance that'll be done later! Don't play it!)

Everyone walked into the class and clapped for her.

"That was the smallest leap ever." (Y/n) said to Donna.

"It looked better with a small leap." Donna smiled.

(Y/n) nodded and sat with the rest of the class.

"How long have you been here?" I asked once she sat next to me.

"About an hour." She replied.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I was testing the dance for Donna." She answered.

"That dance all if you saw (y/n) preform, is the dance we will be working on." Donna announced. "This dance is much easier then what most of you are used to. I choose to do this dance because I want you guys to get in touch with the rhythm of the song."

Your POV

I woke up early this morning so I could condition myself before everyone else. I also didn't wanna look Laurence in the eye after what he did.

I walked into the class and Donna wanted me to help her with a contemporary dance. I gave her some of my feedback and the dance was created.

"I want (y/n)'s help on teaching you guys this dance." Donna caught me by surprise.

"Me? Why me?" I asked.

"Because you already know the dance." Donna said.

I nodded and stood next to Donna.

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